1)When the speaker asked a question,the listeners all sat .No one seemed to be in the mood for (有心情)an answer.(2)When I looked out of the window for the person who broke the window,all the boys who were playing soccer a moment ago

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/16 14:39:40
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1)When the speaker asked a question,the listeners all sat .No one seemed to be in the mood for (有心情)an answer.(2)When I looked out of the window for the person who broke the window,all the boys who were playing soccer a moment ago Actually is used when we want to correct a mistake or supply some information that the other speaker doesn't know.中文意思? who is the speaker? Far from the speaker 英语翻译At a dinner party,the speaker,who was the guest of honor,was about to deliver a speech when his wife sitting at the other end of the table,sent him a piece of paper with the word KISSscribbled on it.The guest seated next to the speaker The speaker finished his speech with a famous saying=The speaker _______ ________ his speech witha famous sayong Who dose the speaker often think of when she thinks back When I arrived at the meeting,the first speaker __and the audience__.为什么选had finished speaking,were clapping 情景对话题!speaker A:when does the next train leave speaker B:you've just missed one by 5 minutes .( ) ,so you'll have to wait a while .A.trains leave every 50 minutes B.trains leave within 50 minutes 请问为什么要选A呢?请详讲 Close to the speaker是什么意思 SPEAKER FOR THE DEAD怎么样 The professor,_________as a splendid speaker,was warmly received by the students.A.known B. The speaker,a teacher from a community college,addressed a sympathetic aud 有谁知道这篇文章出自哪里?Following Martin Wedell’s piece “Local teacher or native speaker?” now is perhaps a good time to explore the discomfort over the use of “Native speaker” (NS) and “Non native speaker” (NNS).The discom 1the speaker got too n_______ to say a word2.the problem looks ____(easy) ,but it's hard to solve.不限制字母数 英语翻译it is a very complicated problem which isn't the side the speaker conveyed. someone threw a stone( )the speaker.it hit him( )the head and knocked his hat( ) a speaker from the goverment a____ that the railway was going to be closed.