求英文大神帮我修改语法错误,Good afternoon guys,today I’m going to present a presentation about the relationships between insurance and nation’s health care and how do they impact on economy.Along with the rapid development of people

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 00:38:03
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求英文大神帮我修改语法错误,Good afternoon guys,today I’m going to present a presentation about the relationships between insurance and nation’s health care and how do they impact on economy.Along with the rapid development of people 求大神帮我翻译下这句英文 下面是我求职的英文自我介绍,请大神帮我看看是否有语法错误,It is really myhonor to be here for this interview,I hope i can make a good performancetoday.I'm confident that I can succeed.First let me introduce myself.My nameis L 求大神帮我看看我这篇关于英雄联盟的英语升级演讲PPT有没有什么语法错误或者那些单词错误Good afternoon,everyone.Welcome to my presentation my name is lin.First i will ask a question.what would you do when you stay a 求英语大神帮我修改文章语法错误As my classmate said,silence is golden. That is,people with fewer words could do right things.As we all know,we can make better decision after enough thinking.For example,when you meet a guy the first ti 求英语大神帮我看一下这句话有没有语法错误谢谢!如题.Oh ,What A Shame That U Pass By Me With Somebody Else. To hear your good news ,but a little sad 请帮我用中文翻译求大神帮助 请帮忙修改一下高中英文自我介绍.有语法错误或者语病的帮我指出来.希望多帮我改用一些从句等,Good morning,everybody!It' my great honour to be here to introduce myself .My English nane is Alice.I'm an out-going girl 求大神帮我写一篇英文作文 求大神帮我翻译2008.6.1全部英文的 . 请帮我看看这句英文中有没有语法错误或者修改得更地道When the wing has glided the place,was already not the beginning . 求各位大神帮我看看有木有语法错误呀?I am the person in charge of the school newspaper.I need a student to take the position of English version editor for urgent.我是校报负责人,急需在校内聘一名同学任英文版的编 help help!帮我修改一下作文的语法错误吧!,,,要求不能有语法错误,要不我就死了 要英语口语考试了,哪位大神帮我写份小短文啊,跪求帮助!What qualities should a good leader of a company have? 帮我看看我写的这段英文有语法错误吗?或者有不好的地方?请帮我修改一下A few days ago,I read the British writer Jonathan • Swift's Gulliver's Travels. I like this book very much.It is an appealing novel containing b 请大神帮我修改下这篇英语日记 请大神们帮我修改下这篇英语日志 哪位作文大神或者语文老师帮我修改篇作文,