163,824 12,275,000 9,800,000 7,172,091 572,059 8,297,900 9,500,000 的英文读法是什么

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 09:01:59
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163,824 12,275,000 9,800,000 7,172,091 572,059 8,297,900 9,500,000 的英文读法是什么 一些英语的题,急.请用英文7,200,000读作( )163,824读作( )12,275,000读作( )9,800,000读作( )7,172,091读作( )572,059读作( )8,297,900读作( )3,500,000读作( ) 7,172,091 8,297,900 163,824 9,800,000 572,059 3,500,000的英文 英语翻译Guangzhou:7,200,000 Tokyo:12.275,000 London:7,172,091 Moscow;8,297,900 Wellington:163,824 Paris:9,800,000 Washington D.C.:572,059 Berlin:3,500,000 是数字翻译成英语啊! 12,275,000 的英文 163,824数字转换英文 163,824用英语如何表达 英语噶Five years ago a man bought a car for £9,000.It develops an electrical fault that would cost £400 to repair.A new model would now cost £12,000 but the man would only receive £4,000 should he sell his own car on the second 求九宫独000 103 000 800 000 007 004 020 300 001 000 500 000 581 000 600 000 002 090 000 050010 000 030000 275 000 求九宫独数答案共一题急~求九宫独000 103 000 800 000 007 004 020 300 001 000 500 000 581 000 600 000 002 090 000 050010 000 030000 275 000 英语翻译如题,汉译英,3,000,000,000; 3,000,000; 25,000,000,000; 26,000,000,000; 40,000,400,000; 40,4000,000,000; 9,000,900 257,198,259,173,261,168,263,()A 275 B 279 C 164 D 163 9,200,000,000英语怎么读 12,000,000,000用英语怎么读 一个同学把除数248写成了824其结果是除824的商比除248的商多12,但余数相同,求商是多少 请问在英语文章里163,000这个数字怎么读?数字:163,000请问在英语里怎么念,麻烦写出完整念法.谢谢! 10,000,000,000和12,500,000和1,200,000,000用英文怎么翻译? 13.75*5/8-2.75*5/8-5/824*51/43+51*19/43(1/13*1/18)*(13*18)13.76-(7/12+1.76+1又5/12)35.2除9+35.2除9/86*1/4+13除4-18*0.15