括号里面是标准答案(D)1.-Is tea ready?-No,mother is __ it ready now.A doing B cooking C burning D getting(B)2.Children can not __ right from wrong when they do not understand you.A speak B tell C say D talk(B) 3.--Jim,could you help me___

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 23:33:06
xTOGW^sIPwanDQ+;8oF!1i6R -1m@ֳk/Aڴ*W-)3[Mӱ P/4B+5+ouqNAB$R`*I=*LJXRxTXI"Cq&aLĀ\3?@2h mT2e {W2Y)rdFk1$J(@B:ER\eI@w6|9D2r/U>JF: JueƳwyNp/έ[wwz>Mͻӧp&2S[uPiQ*=7p U 5A)] 8êCU3P|tO%7,a')Ѕ0]ݔ#L^ȼcsVbbdu2Fq  a2.Ihq,߹lӂ=f|_WV Quz !pzjp^ Q Q!W 4Xoټ?FT/?zM#>x9:1ǃkp[{v'6okv5XQ-ᷮ_+^vs?w ~x7;AoosR+;֛^׭^9gF+~gP]Оu `{6UgWHZoXlh:&jFy7΄z4,0Gb^8Q` {J:Usa/Z-'/6* =l$*
括号里面是标准答案(D)1.-Is tea ready?-No,mother is __ it ready now.A doing B cooking C burning D getting(B)2.Children can not __ right from wrong when they do not understand you.A speak B tell C say D talk(B) 3.--Jim,could you help me___ the boy is too young to ()himself.括号里面填什么,是D开头的单词 选出括号部分读音不同的单词1.f(a)mily 2.d(a)d 3.c(a)p 4.l(a)te 英语翻译te dijo te amo这句应该没错,是Madonna的《La isla bonita 》里面的歌词 the person to( )he is taiking is my fatherAwho Bwhom C whose D which标准答案是B,为什么选B呢? 找出括号部分字母的发音与其他不同的一项(其实括号代表横线)1.A.g(a)ve B.l(a)te C.(a)te D.l(a)st 2.A.d(o)g B.g(o) C.(o)ver D.h(o)me 求一首歌曲 我找了半年了 都快哭了是一男一女唱的英语歌 里面有 i no《yi len pa te fa en de .bo括号里的是用中文拼音发的英语发音 因为模糊所以 男 i no 《 yi len pa te fa en de .》女《an tu yi len fan Te young woman( in the car) is his aunt 对括号部分提问( )( )( )is his aunt 怎么选?In China,the number of cities increasing____ development is recognized across the world.A where B which C whose D that标准答案是C 为什么 What is a writing brush,do you know?I'used____writing and drawing.A.with b.to c.for d.by我认为是for,但是标准答案不是, Jake is (tall)of the three.括号里面的tall是用比较级还是最高级 where ( ) your father working?括号里面是is还是does啊 知道的说下 There ( ) a pair of shoes on the floor.括号里面是is还是are呢 括号前面是加号,去掉括号 { } ;加号后面添括号,括号里面{ };括号里面是减号,去掉括号{ }.减号后面添括号,括号里面{ }.(>_ 高一一道英语单选columbus is considered (to have discovered)America.括号里是标准答案 还有一个选项是to discover 请解释一下为什么不是to discover , 求高中物理多用电表的读数这是09安徽高考 里面是标准答案 我不明白为什么下面解析的是34MA 而标准答案是34.0MA 积分运算中 d(),括号里面的到底是积分形式还是微分形式 最好是标准答案