(英语)用正确的动词时态填空I carried my bags into the hall."What you ___(do)?"my landlady asked."I ___(leave),Mrs.Lynch,"I answered."Why you ___(leave)?"she asked."You have been here only a week""A week too long,Mrs.Lynch,"I said."Ther

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 13:05:34
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动词正确时态填空 用所给动词的正确时态填空 I would like( )eat different vegetables every day. 用括号中动词的正确时态填空 用所给动词的正确时态和语态填空 英语,用所给的动词的适当时态填空 十道各种时态的动词填空题.(英语) 英语现在完成时在做完形填空题时,要你用已知动词的正确时态填空,如何知道是写现在完成时还是一般过去式? (英语)用正确的动词时态填空I carried my bags into the hall.What you ___(do)?my landlady asked.I ___(leave),Mrs.Lynch,I answered.Why you ___(leave)?she asked.You have been here only a weekA week too long,Mrs.Lynch,I said.Ther 根据短文内容,用括号内的动词正确时态形式填空. she ( ) (be) a teacher ten years ago.用动词的正确时态进行填空先谢啦 是用动词的正确时态填空,Look!The boy over there_____(ply) a model plane. We _________ [move] away if we find a new house.用正确的动词时态填空 中考英语专项复习(动词的时态和语态)(非谓语动词)1.用括号中词的正确形式填空nowadays,most students are made(do)too mach homework.2.-do you know when Mr.Black ____for dinner this evening?—No,but i think he___ 用be动词的正确正确形式填空:I( )a thacher…… 用正确时态填空 Mr.Smith_______that book these days,but I don't know how many papes he_____(read).用所给动词的正确时态填空. I carried my bafs into the hall.'what you -----(do ' my landlady askde.用正确的动词时态填空为什么这么填 用所给动词正确的时态填空1.I_a girl.He_a boy and we_ good students .[be]