五道外语题附答案望得到合理解释6 ________,I didn`t feel at all nervous when I took the driver`s test for the first time .A Strangely enough b Enough strangelyC Enough strange d strange enoughKey a 7Would you put the clue

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 13:44:08
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五道外语题附答案望得到合理解释6 ________,I didn`t feel at all nervous when I took the driver`s test for the first time .A Strangely enough b Enough strangelyC Enough strange d strange enoughKey a 7Would you put the clue 五道外语附答案希望得到合理解释6 He had us ________ all through the meal.a laugh b laughed c to laugh d laughing key d 7 I`d rather have a room of my own ,however small it is ,than _______a room with someone else.a share b to share c sh 四道外语题附答案望得到合理解释11 _________glue to both surfaces ,and then holed the tightly together .a Apply b reply c supply d imply key a 16 So badly ________in the accident that he had to stay in the hospital for treatment.a did he 五道外语附答案希望得到合理解释1 There ______no further business,the meeting came to a stop .a was b been c being d to be key c 2 Without the sun`s light ______the earth`s surface ,it would be so cold that life could not exit on the ear 求救五道外语题付答案忘得到合理解释1.He spoke too fast to make himself_________.a.understand b.to be understood c.understood d.understanding2.No longer _______the only people who have taken up hobbies.a.are children b .children are c. 六道外语题附答案希望得到解释7.The Beijing Olympic will play a big part in ________history.a Chinese modern sport b modern Chinese sport c Chinese sport modern d modern sport Chinesekey b 8._________from Europe also meant that Australian 五道外语题付答案求合理解释1. Could you show me the laptop you want______?a. to have it repaired b.to repair it c. to have repaired d.it repaired2.The man had expected to see all his relations when he was ill, but ___________came 求五年级上册脱式计算题500道附答案 求助五道外语题望得到解释11 I _______at the thought of having to make a speech in the presence of all my teachers.a shook b fainted c trembled d declined key c 12 No bread eaten by man is so sweet as __________earned by his own labor.a whi 求助五道外语题望得到解释13.Being good at sports is part of _______to be an Australian.a What means b What it means c what means it d What is meant key b 14.It was reported that only one passenger was fortunate to escape _______in the plan 150道英语IQ题附答案 五年级的奥数题(附答案) 求助六道外语题望得到解释6 He has formed the habit of sleeping with the windows left ________.a open b opened c opening d to open key a 7The home improvements have taken what little there is _______my spare time .a from b in c of d at key 第九题答案(附解析), 小学五年级上册小数除法数学题10道,支持原创,急!附答案 五年级下册数学人教版50道应用题附答案 英语五年级下(人教版)的第一单元测试题附答案 五年级语文冲刺100必备题(附答案)个位仁兄们