求翻译change fuel oil over to diesel oil这句话是什么意思?是把燃油换成柴油 还是把柴油换成燃油

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/13 16:06:24
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求翻译change fuel oil over to diesel oil这句话是什么意思?是把燃油换成柴油 还是把柴油换成燃油 求翻译why we use oil as fuel instead of coal is that it burns better than coal does Oil filter,Gas filter,Fuel filter,求区别 change oil Oil 与 Fuel 的区别? For Diesel Oil, we have the capacity to supply any quality and quantity as well for the...求翻译!For Diesel Oil, we have the capacity to supply any quality and quantity as well for the Jet Fuel A-1. 求翻译Aviation Fuel和Jet Fuel?这是两种不同类型的燃料.如何翻译? 求以下几个词组的解释,汽车类1.Fuel system CR2.Fuel system VP3.E pump4.pistons with rings5.oil module6.pressure lines7.spray jets8.exhaust turbocharger fuel timing怎么翻译 fuel injected 如何翻译 mahua biodiesel-diesel fuel blends 与neat diesel fuel和mahua oil Methyl Ester分别是什么意思 MAINS VOLTAGE(Vac) BATTERY VOLTAGE(V) OIL PRESSURE-BAR TEMPERATURE-℃ FUEL LEVEL(%)柴油发电机求正每一项各代表什么工作上需要 求翻译:最主要的是in-service matching在这里是什么意思呀More effective, however, are a high compression ratio and the in-service matching of the injection system to the ignition qualities of the fuel oil used, as is the case in MAN B fossil fuel combution 怎么翻译? change change change怎么翻译? fuel oil 今天看一航运方面的英文评论,不解下面单词fuel oil 380,fuel oil 180,IFO 380,IFO 180后面的380和180是什么意思 Much of our electricity is produced by plants that burn coal as fuel.求翻译 求英文高手,断油怎么翻译?fuel cut-off太长了.