根据句意和音标填词1.You 〔 〕「tu:」 go 〔 〕「tu:」the shop and buy 〔 〕「tu:」chairs for me.2.—Excuse me,sir.Can you tell me how long will the train stop here?— From 〔 〕「tu:」〔 〕「tu:」〔 〕「tu:」〔

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/05 23:59:12
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英语根据句意和首字母提示填词whatever you do s____ is the most important ,don't be danger 根据句意和音标填词1.You 〔 〕「tu:」 go 〔 〕「tu:」the shop and buy 〔 〕「tu:」chairs for me.2.—Excuse me,sir.Can you tell me how long will the train stop here?— From 〔 〕「tu:」〔 〕「tu:」〔 〕「tu:」〔 David is a t() in a school.根据句意和首字母填词 根据句意和音标填词.----Excuse me,sir.Can you tell me haw long the train will stop here?答:----From _______[tu:]_______[tu:]_______[tu:]_______[tu:]_______[tu:]_______[tu:]----I see.thank you 根据句意和首字母填词It's good for you to take more e_. -----Can you go with me today?-----I'm a____I don't have time 根据句意填词,首字母已给出 英语根据句意填词 根据句意和首字母填词Can you come o_ to my house to help me with my English?bangbangmang 根据句意和首字母填词 1.I like the book .It's p____ interesting. (B)英语根据句意填词 根据句意填词 Girl students cant't ( ) earrings at school. 根据句意填词:If I make a mistake,please don't I_____ at me 根据首字母及句意填词 Do you have any friends or r___ here 根据首字母及句意填词 Can you c____ going with us? 根据句意填词:Are you going to let him know the s______? 根据句意填词,首字母已给出.Don,t put it here.Put it (t ) on the shelf. 根据句意填词It is _______ ________ _________for most of us studentsI don't feel like _____________ the soap opera ____________As a student,you're _____________ __________ study hardA friend of mine _________ my MP5 and didn't _______it_________ I can speak a l____ English 根据句意和首字母填词