谁能帮我解决这40道英语选择题(3)!21、 “What are you going to buy in this store?” “Nothing.________ want is much too expensive.” A.That I B.What I C.That what I D.What do I 22、 I talked to Bob two weeks ago.I thought he wanted t

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 06:06:28
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4道英语选择题,希望学霸可以帮我解决, 谁能帮我解决这40道英语选择题(3)!21、 “What are you going to buy in this store?” “Nothing.________ want is much too expensive.” A.That I B.What I C.That what I D.What do I 22、 I talked to Bob two weeks ago.I thought he wanted t 谁能帮我解决这40道英语选择题!1、 “Who is eligible for the scholarship?” “Anyone ________ scholastic record is above the average can apply for the scholarship.” A.who has a B.has a C.who’s a D.whose 2、 Dr.Sales is a person __ 谁能帮我解决这40道英语选择题(2)!11、 That book is by a famous anthropologist.It’s about the people in Samoa ________ for two years.A.that she lived B.that she lived among them C.among whom she lived D.where she lived among them 12、 谁能帮我解决几道英语题 2道英语选择题. 英语选择题语法问题如何解决 跪求英语高手解决高中选择题 谁能帮我解决这40道英语选择题(4)!31、 “Bill Frazer seems like a good person for the job,but we don’t know why he left his last job.” “I know why.He told me ________ a serious policy disagreement with his boss last January.” A.i 【急死】这有8道英语选择题, 求六到十三题的选择题答案,不要猛我, 谁能帮我讲一下这个英语选择题 谁能帮我解决两道英语阅读题? 谁能帮我解决一下这个英语题 谁能帮我解决这1 2 3大题呀 请解决帮我解决一下这道英语题:What ___you___(have) for lunch? 谢谢啊请解决帮我解决一下这道英语题:What ___you___(have) for lunch? 谢谢啊 帮我做英语选择题 帮我改改英语选择题 谁能帮我解决这题