高中英语选择题,选b,a,d,请说明一下理由1.The meeting was concerned _____ education reforms and many parents, concerned _____ the future of their children, were present.A. with; with B. with; about C. about; with D. for; about 2.Tom a

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 09:12:45
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高中英语选择题,选b,a,d,请说明一下理由1.The meeting was concerned _____ education reforms and many parents, concerned _____ the future of their children, were present.A. with; with B. with; about C. about; with D. for; about 2.Tom a 高中英语选择题一道请说明理由 高中英语选择题一道请说明理由 求助一道高中英语选择题!谢谢!______into use in April 2000,the hotline was meant for residents reporting water and heating supply breakdowns.A.Put B.Putting C.Having put D.Being put请说明一下为什么,谢谢!另外翻译一下句子! 英语选择题Who ( ) the best in your class?A.is dancing B.dances C.dance D.has danced请简要说明一下理由, 英语选择题How ( ) Mr.Brown ( ) to America?A.do,go B.is,go C.does,go D.does,goes 请简要说明一下理由, 高中英语选择题:It is commonly believed that poetry inevitably loses a lot_____translation.A in B by Cof D over辨析一下,谢谢! _______interesting work it is !A.How B,How an C,What D,What an选择题,谢谢!说明一下 Can you ___why you are always late?A.tell B. say C. speak D. talk请大家帮忙,这道选择题的答案是什么?先在这儿谢谢了请说明一下理由,谢谢 国家财政收入的主要来源(多线选择题)A税收 B利润 C公债 D费用 请指教 说明. 一道高中英语选择题,请选出正确答案并说明为什么,谢谢!At first he hated the new job but decided to give himself a few months to see _______ it got any better.A. when B. how C. why D. if参考答案 请帮帮忙作一下下面的选择题,解释一下,并说明理由!1.In such dry weather the flowers will have to be watered if they___.A.have survived B.are to surviveC.would survive D.will survive2.Hand in hand help help help!请做出以下选择题,并详细说明为什么?顺便翻译一下该句子!(1)The Department of Agriculture ordered an urgent ( ) of pesticide(农药) safety.A measure B display C effect D mall 问一道高一化学 选择题 在线等90℃时,蒸馏水的PH值()A.等于7B.大于7C.小于7D.8请简单说明一下,呵呵 一道初一英语选择题,乐于助人的请速进!Can you go to school ______ us?A.for B.from C.at D.with请说明一下选择此答案的原因和句子的意思,以及涉及的语法.拜托啦! 一道思想品德选择题家庭保护对家庭哪些成员有要求( )1、未成年人的父母;2、未成年人的法定监护人;3、未成年人家庭的全体成员;4、未成年人自身.A、123 B、134 C、124 D、234请说明一下 选择题(时态)How strange it is! He looks as if he __________ all about it.A knows B know C knew D has knew 请说明一下as if前后用法 谢! 几道关于非谓语动词的高中英语选择题,请说明为什么, Robert is said_____ abroad,but I don’t know what country he studied in. A.to have studied B.to study C.to be studying D.to have been studying I’ve work