一道初中英语补全对话题一空一句A:____________?B:Yes,may I see those ties?A:_______________.Here is a nice one.B:Yes,but my friend wants silk tie with a Chinese pattern.A:All right.Please come this way,madam.These silk ties have dragon o

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 00:54:14
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补全对话题 英语补全对话题 一道初中英语补全对话题一空一句A:____________?B:Yes,may I see those ties?A:_______________.Here is a nice one.B:Yes,but my friend wants silk tie with a Chinese pattern.A:All right.Please come this way,madam.These silk ties have dragon o 一道初中英语补全对话题:A:Hi,Lisa.___________.B:I'll stay at home and watch TV.A:_____________.B:Great.Here is the newspaper._____________.A:OK.Look,there is a talk on science at 8:00 on CCTV 10.B:Wonderful!I like science program.A:______ 补全对话题怎么写 这个英语补全对话题, 初中英语补全对话, 初中英语补全对话题A:What is his first name?B:_________first name________Robert and his________name is Black.A:How_______you spell Robert?B:________________A:What________your telephone__________?B:_______555-7092.A:________this his pencil?B:Y 一道英语补全对话题A:Can you tell me what you saw here today,about the car accident?B:Well,I was___ down the street when a car went very fast and hit the old man.A:Where did it ___?B:Just over there,at the street corner.A:___happen then?B:Two 求助初中英语补全对话 初中英语补全对话选择 求20道英语补全对话题 有一道补全对话题,把小弟难住了,补全对话,每空填入一个适当的词A:Good afternoon!Can I ___1___ you?B:Good ___2___!I'd ___3___to buy a ___4___for my daughter.A:This way,please.Here are blouses for girls.B:The yellow one ___5___ 一道英语补全对话题 根据对话内容,补全对话中所缺的单词、短语或句子,使对话完整、通顺.A:Bill,I've been asked to a dinner party tonight .What time should I arrive for that?B:Did they tell you (1)_____________________ 补全单词1.l live in an a ___ 初中英语补全对话 谢谢好评😊 初中英语补全对话和书面表达 初中英语补全对话练习有加分