到底是real story还是true story

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/10 19:56:32
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到底是real story还是true story 对于 story 用true还是 real如题 真实故事 英语real story还是true story?两者都行?this movie is based on true story 请教各位大虾真实的故事到底应该用real stroy还是true story呢?这两个词到底有什么区别呢,在此谢过各位了!:-) 现实世界是REAL WORLD还是TRUE WORLD? 我们通常所说的“正品”是用 real 还是 true还是 genuine 还是 not fake? 真正的爱是翻译成real love还是true love?最好能说清real和true 的区别 Many people don't think the story is___.A real B true谁能讲得通俗一点 true和real之间的区别是什么?true是指物,real是指事? real和true~this is a ____ experience,not a dream.为啥是real不是true? This film is a true story about a___person,so we really like it.A.real B.true C.really This is a _____ story.They will _____ like it.A.real,sureB.true,sureC.true,surelyD.really,surely 形容人说的是实话用real还是true?形容他说的是谎话用lie还是false?这个问题的语境是:我不相信某人的话了,我要告诉他“我不知道你到底哪句是真(real或truch),哪句是假(lie或false)!”此处应该怎 28、 She looked so honest that we all regarded her story ______. A、like true B、as true C、like real D、as real 和fake对应的是 real 还是 true.和装的,假的,对应的词和fake对应的是 real 还是 true.和装的,假的,对应的词 Don' t believe in him .what he said is not _____是填true还是real?用法 I want to tell you a true story.这句中哪个是谓语动词是want 还是tell?为什么? real、true的区别