用形式主语it改写下列句子 1、When we will hold the meeting hasn't been decided.2、Do you think arguing with him about the matter is good?3、To finish the project on time takes a lot of efforts.4、The party we held last night turned out

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 03:57:58
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用it做形式主语改写句子You are so kind to tell me the truth. To swim in this river is very dangerous(用IT作形式主语改写句子) 用形式主语it改写下列句子 1、When we will hold the meeting hasn't been decided.2、Do you think arguing with him about the matter is good?3、To finish the project on time takes a lot of efforts.4、The party we held last night turned out 用it作形式主语或形式宾语翻译下列句子 1据说下个星期我校将要举办艺术节 2有人在敲门,会是谁呢? 初二英语一道改写句子!We should not look down on the disabled.(用it作形式主语改写句子)______ ______ ______ to look down on the disabled. 用it改写句子 用it做形式主语改写You are so kind to tell me the truth. 改写下列句子,用He作主语.1.I am not well.2.I can it go to work.3.I feel ill. 改写句子用he做主语, 动词不定式的被动形式有进行时态吗?请问下列句子怎样翻译成英语:1、据说那座桥正在建设中(请用“桥”作主语,不用it作主语) it 做形式主语时、句子是主语从句么? 用it作形式主语或形式宾语翻译下列句子 他把每天早上六点起床定为一条规矩 不久我们又会见面的 请问主语从句 用引导词打头的形式 能与形式主语it形式 就是同一个句子改成两种不同形式的主语从句 用it作形式主语的句型改写下列句子Visiting the museum is a lot of fun.Driving in hard to learn.Playing computer games all day long is a waste of time.To finish the work in day is impossible.To answer the question in English is difficult. 用it作形式主语改写1、you are so kind to tell me the truth.2、you are so foolish to do such things. When will it be convenient for you to come?如果去掉形式主语的方式,可以写为以下的句子吗?改写的对吗?还有其他的写法吗?When will be convenient for I coming?When will you are convenient for I coming? 在主语从句中,that引导的句子往往可以用it 做形式主语,那么what引导的可以用it做形式主语么/ she spoke more cheerfully than i did(保持句意基本不变) The problem is difficult for me to work out第二句用it 作形式主语改写句子