看下作文,有错的改错Believe it or not,in today’s fast-developing era,the number of people who pay great attention to their healthy eating is steadily on the rise.It is precisely for this reason that people try to use different ways of eatin

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 13:02:51
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看下作文,有错的改错Believe it or not,in today’s fast-developing era,the number of people who pay great attention to their healthy eating is steadily on the rise.It is precisely for this reason that people try to use different ways of eatin 帮我看下我的答案有没有错 What's it means改错What's it means这句话的语法有错吗?看着怎么这么别扭..what's its meaning?这样呢?麻烦说一下有哪几种带有mean、表示问“这是什么意思”的说法! “我们写作文时要尽量减少不必要的错误.”哪里有错?是改错题. 单句改错 They both believe in giving their children a love. 是不是a love.有错呀? It's a lovely day,isn't it?这个句子有错吗?英语练习册上的改错题 改错句:请问这句话有错吗句子:“我喜欢看一些有关医学方面的书籍.”这句话有错吗? 英语作文想把 “至于你信不信,我反正信了”这句用上,求正解.As for you,you believe or not,but I believe it anyway.大体这么搞,具体的谁帮着修改下,精简点,不要语法错误.Whether you believe or not,I believe .这 改错:Seeing is believe. 空的两道题还有帮忙看下别的有没有错的, 空的两道题还有帮忙看下别的有没有错的, I believe it will be newstarting这句句子有错吗? 帮我看下我写的答案有没有错 有错改错不算错这句谚语的下一句 Believe me!I can do it m_____八年级下的 How to spell the word‘excuse’?这句话有错么题目是让你改错,愣是没看出来,用的是单引号 Listen to the tape and read after it loud.有错吗改错 句子改错:It's a Chinese book .我觉得没有错!