请高手来给英语作文改错I felt happy after I look this book because I get some truth.The fablesshow me how to be a good man.It told me what should I do.We will meetthe bad things in our life.So what should we do?But Aesop told thetruth to us

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 15:52:19
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请高手来给英语作文改错I felt happy after I look this book because I get some truth.The fablesshow me how to be a good man.It told me what should I do.We will meetthe bad things in our life.So what should we do?But Aesop told thetruth to us 初一英语不难的,英语高手来,改错的,回答一定给好评, 高二英语改错题,英语高手来解决. 高二英语改错题!英语高手来解决! 英语高手请进!英语选择题,谢谢!PPT1. I finally got the job I dreamed about. Never in all my life ____ so happy. A. did I felt B. I felt C. I had felt D. had I felt我 高二英语高手来帮我看看改错, 麻烦英语高手,改错. 高手帮我批改一下这篇英语作文帮我看看这篇作文,给我些具体 的意见,One day I was about to go outside to play when I saw my mother being busy with several housework at the same time.She looked so tired,and I felt guilty,There 六爻卦,请高手们来给断断! 英语改错:When father bought me a computer for a birthday present in last year,I felt very excited 请懂英文的高手来给我纠正一下这篇英语作文My Holiday In ZhuhaiIn last Summer holiday.I went to Zhuhai to visited my uncle with my mother.We stayed at uncle's home for two month.We had a good timein Zhuhai.In the first day.We had goo Suddenly I felt that I am nothing,I m nobody 我分不多,就只能给这么多..请达人们帮帮忙! 哪位高手可以给我写片I believe I can play的英语小作文啊我是初一水平 求一篇英语作文 What I live for请好心的英语高手帮我一帮 在下不胜感谢 求高手给做一组英语改错题,谢啦.好人一生平安. 求英语高手改英语改错题 英语高手回答一下!谢拉!一.改错(每题只有一处是错误的,请选出来并改正.)()1._ He is good at play basketball. A B C D()2._ I have a sister call Sam. A (急)英译汉I am fucking awesome今天买了件衬衫,怀疑是脏话,请英语高手来看看