阅读题,先把题给复制再在括号里回答问题(2)Zhang Haidi was born in 1955 in shandong.At the age of five ,she became bery ill and disabled.She couldn't stand on her legs and had to sit on a wheelchair.So she couldn't go to school.But Hai

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/16 14:05:10
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阅读题,先把题给复制再在括号里回答问题(2)Zhang Haidi was born in 1955 in shandong.At the age of five ,she became bery ill and disabled.She couldn't stand on her legs and had to sit on a wheelchair.So she couldn't go to school.But Hai 凋【diāo】 迢【tiáo】 萧【xiāo】我发现以上三个字的读音( ).回答格式看问题补充注意:回答时把问题复制一遍然后把答案填在括号里 《谈骨气》第三自然段开头一句是:当然,社会不同,阶段不同,骨气的具体含义也不同.用自己的语言概括第三自然段的意思.注意:先把整篇阅读题短文复制下来,然后回答问题. 六年级英语下(先把题给复制,再把答案写在括号内)(—)改错,指出下面句子中的一处错误,写在题后的括号里,并改正在后面的横线上.1.He is tallest than I.( )__________2.She is a little youngest than she 先把题给复制,再把答案填写在括号内.1.填一填(1)一个数的五分之二是46,它的百分之六十是( )(2)在种子发芽试验中,有48粒种子发芽,2粒未发芽,这些种子的发芽率( )(3)86千克花生 思维训练 先阅读下面材料,再回答问题. 六年级英语(先把题给复制在填写答案)英语:1.把正确的答案写在相对的括号内A.Go to ( )your red coat B.Ley’s clean ( )in the tree C.Turn off ( )behind the door D.put on ( )the mice classroomE.the apples ( 先把题给复制在把答案填写在括号内.1.改一改.(改写句子,是改写后意思与原句相同)(1)The pencils are red ,yellow,blue and green.The pencils are( ).(2)My name is Sally.( )( )Sally.(3)It's not far from here.It's ( )he 阅读题英语求解,问题在回答后追问 陋室铭 阅读 一,阅读下列选段,回答文后问题 1, 给下列各字注音 阅读题 先把题给复制,再把答案写在括号内1.选择正确的介词填空about,in,of,from,to,for,with,aganinst1)We are reading( ) Yang Li Wei in school this week.2)He borrowed a book ( ) the school library.3)There are now fewer animals ( ) the fore 初二英语先给阅读题给你阅读,在帮我选择答案好不好! 给题,请今晚回答,高薪!大哥哥大姐姐们帮方框里该填什么数字,使得到的小数能满足要求,再把小数填在括号里.□0.□51.使得到的小数最大,这个小数是( )2.使得到的小数最小,这个小数是( 阅读短文,回答问题,将问题写在括号内.钉子一位商人在交易会上生意兴隆,所有的货全卖出去了,钱袋里塞满了金子银子.现在他打算回家去,想在天黑前赶到家.他把装钱的旅行袋绑在马背上,骑 有错请把题抄下来,填在括号里 有错请把题抄下来,填在括号里 六年级下英语(先把题给复制再答题)代词:(一)选择最佳答案,并将其字母编号写在括号内.( )1.All parents love their children,and my parents love _____,too.A.ours B.theirs C.them D.his( )2.The pen is ____.She w 根据括号里的中文意思,回答下列问题Where are the pens?(在书包里) 在括号里填上合适的字,与 风 雨 组成词语( )风( )雨 ( )风( )雨 风雨( )风( )雨( )先复制 在再括号里填( )风雨 ( )风雨 填2个字