请问Jules Verne的英语音标

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/21 23:52:37
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请问Jules Verne的英语音标 Jules Verne的音标和翻译 JULES VERNE OMNIBUS 20000 LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA怎么样 请问什么是英语的音标? 大学英语阅读求答案There were very few places in the world that Jules Verne,the writer,did not visit.He went round the world a hundred times or more.Once he did it in eighty days,unheard of in the nineteenth century.He voyaged 6,000 miles und 求《环游世界80天》的英文概述如题,注意的是,我要的是Jules Verne写的名著《环游世界80天》而不是成龙拍的那部电影.1000字左右.主要写主人公在全文中的冒险概括.可以追加分数 麻烦大家帮忙翻译一小段话,并阐述它的主要内容,谢谢!Gossips said that there was no such man as Jules Verne.The Russians claimed him as a Slav,a Pole and former espionage agemt who had taken to letters.Italian intellectuals said Ju 英语翻译The French writer Jules Verne wrote several books in the late 1800s.In them ,he wrote about the future.He asked,What will life be like 英语音标dz的发音?请问音标dz怎么读? looked的音标?英语音标 exercise的音标英语音标 英语辅音音标请问,在哪有英语的音标练习啊? 英语翻译书名:Journey to the Centre of the Earth Oliver Twist Sherlock Holmes Cinderella Harry Potter Alice in Wondland Pride and Prejudice Death on the Nile作者:Charles Dickens Hans Christian Andersen J.K.Rowling Lewis Carroll Jules Verne Con 学英语应该学哪种音标?是学国际音标还是英语音标?还是两种都要学呢?请问,大多数人学的是哪种音标? 请问杨桃的英语怎么读呢?音标是什么呢? 请问英语音标中i与e的发音区别 请问这是哪两个英语的音标,谢谢啦 请问Today的音标