2 8 5x A B________________1 C 2 DE F G_________________H 9 I J

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/22 10:15:59
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已知集合A=[2,4],集合B=(-2,3],则A∩B=___________,A∪B__________; 1、已知一个二元一次方程有两个解为X=2,Y=3和X=3,Y=1,求这个二元一次方程.2、当a___________,b_____________时,方程组x+y=8,ax+3y=b有无穷多解.当a___________,b__________时,方程组x+y=8,ax+3y=b无解.3、如果方程组 在下列实数中,无理数是( )A;0 B;√5 C;³√8 D;- 22/7数轴上,点B与点C关于点A对称,A,B两点对应的实数分别是√3和 — 1 ,则点c所对应的实数是_______________ A___ ______ B__________ C_____ -1 0 √3 .根据首字母提示,在句子空白处填写单词,使句意完整.1.My mother likes to w__ TV.2.I like to play v_________________.3.He’s a n___________ student.4.Let’s get some p____________.5.The cat is b__________ the dog.6.Sh 把排列错乱的字母写成单词b__________(r.o.a.n.g.u.d.p.l.y) 【求解】初学者关于高一数学集合的一些问题.1.设集合A={0,1},集合B={x|x包含于A},则A与B的关系是__A∈B__________问:包含不是用在集合与集合之间的么;∈不是用在元素与集合之间的么2.若集合 【求解】初学者关于高一数学集合的一些问题.(题目参考答案已给)1.设集合A={0,1},集合B={x|x包含于A},则A与B的关系是__A∈B__________问:包含不是用在集合与集合之间的么;∈不是用在元素 力和机械的物理题物体A重2克,B重10克,A,B均处于平衡状态,此时B受到的摩擦力为_____,若A的重力为3克,则B向右运动,当A落到地面上时,B__________运动.(B放在一个水平桌面上,在桌边上是一个定滑轮, 在50ml bmol /LAlCl中加50mlamol/LNaOH(1)当a大于等于3b是,生成氢氧化铝所谓物质的量为____(2)a,b满足什么条件,无沉淀(3)a,b__________,a增大,沉淀减少;此时氢氧化铝的质量___g 初一英语help,我会追分~根据句意补全下列单词,首字母已给出.1、Mr.green works in a big company.he is always very b__________.2、I always feel p______ when i see one of pictures in the magazines.3、this is a p_____ of mine.4、s My name is Peter.I'm (1) e__________ years old.I'm tall and thin.My hair is (2) s__________ and my eyes are big.I have a (3) b__________ .It's blue and yellow.It's super but it isn't new.It's a birthday present from my (4)g__________ .I like it very 首字母已经给出,空里分别填什么?My name is Peter.I'm (1) e__________ years old.I'm tall and thin.My hair is (2) s__________ and my eyes are big.I have a (3) b__________ .It's blue and yellow.It's super but it isn't new.It's a birthday pre 1.let's go to s_____ a flm together.2.kate goes home b______ P______ every year.3.b______ b__________ is a large clock. 膈肌的运动(1) 在这个装置中,图中所示各部分分别表示什么结构?A__________; B__________; C___________; E_________; F___________.(2) A图中表示在____________,B图中表示在_____________.(3) 吸气时,肋骨间的肌肉和膈 英语翻译青岛在中国东海岸Qingdao is ( ) the ( ) ( ) of China.还有一道There is a big b__________ over the river.填单词啦 根据开头字母写单词!不要太深奥的1It's a___________ seven in the e_________.2The boy in b__________ is so f_____________.3Where are the t_________?They're in the t________ office.4Jim is f_______ E________.5You all l____ to the teacher c Do you b__________ what he said? I have s_______ eggs for b__________.