一篇英语小文章 指出 英语语法错误 it seems ,i have the similar expenrice as the hero of movie ,i guessit's why the movie has been deeply moving me .when i was teenage,i once addict in cpmpute game ,i played it all the days,all the night

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 07:30:24
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一篇英语小文章 指出 英语语法错误 it seems ,i have the similar expenrice as the hero of movie ,i guessit's why the movie has been deeply moving me .when i was teenage,i once addict in cpmpute game ,i played it all the days,all the night 一篇关于it的英语科技文章 写一篇英语的小文章(随便) 求一篇关于腊八粥的英语文章介绍腊八粥及腊八节,英语!英语!英语!请无语法错误! (英语)请分析一下这句话,并指出有没有语法错误,I met a few Americans who were shy and modest.请分析一下这句话,并指出有没有语法错误,这句话是一篇短文里的一句话,整篇文章用的都是过去时态 求一篇介绍动物的英语小短文结合牛津初中英语8A的课本,第四单元wild animals.作一篇小短文.语言流畅,最好没有语法错误.介绍一种小动物.两三分钟左右的介绍性文章. 写一篇英语作文,不要出现语法错误, 写一篇英语作文,不要出现语法错误, 写一篇英语文章 求一篇英语文章 求一篇英语文章 一篇关于Chinese history的英语小文章 求一篇关于中秋节的英语小文章,80字 姐姐,您好,您能帮我在改一篇考研英语小作文吗?姐姐,这是一篇12年英语2的小作文,麻烦您在有空时帮我改一改,受累!(如果有语法错误,麻烦您帮我指出来)Directions:Suppose you have found something wro 帮忙改一篇英语作文我英语很烂,请大家帮忙指出语法错误、用词不当之处,最好能讲一讲怎么改比较好 It is very lucky for me to pass the test.But I am still happy that I passed it.Now I have more time doing something 麻烦各路高手为小弟检查一下有多少语法错误本人最烂的就是英语作文,每次得分都很低,希望大家指出鄙人以下文章的错误,指出并修正就好,敬请不要辱骂 Economic development and environmental protecti 这篇英语文章有没有语法错误啊, 这篇英语文章有没有语法错误啊?