下面那个句子有错误?请说明理由,A.It is ten years since I first got to know him.B.I heard them singing when I entered the school building.C.Neither Peter nor his friends,Ken and Tim,prefers beef to pork.D.We shan't leave if it rains tomor

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 20:27:36
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下面那个句子有错误?请说明理由,A.It is ten years since I first got to know him.B.I heard them singing when I entered the school building.C.Neither Peter nor his friends,Ken and Tim,prefers beef to pork.D.We shan't leave if it rains tomor 请说明a选项错误的理由 英语中句子有没有这样一种说法:It is a not boring job.kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk为什么?请说明理由 东晋南朝南方优越的地理环境成为江南经济迅速发展的最主要因素.找出句子中的错误,并说明理由,理由请双向说明.错误:理由: 请找出下面句子中错误的知识或观点,并写出正确的内容或说明理由.请找出下面句子中错误的知识或观点,并些出正确的内容或说明理由.北宋都城汴京出现了世界上最早的纸币——“会子”. 请说明c选项错误的理由 说法错误的是?请说明理由. 判断下面句子正误并说明理由 A.混有空气和氧气的甲烷遇明火可能会爆炸B.催化剂加快化学反应的反应速率.哪个是错误的?请说明理由.对的也请说明理由。 初三语文期末试题下面句子中的标点有一处是错误的,请找出来,加以改正,并说明理由.小河对岸、A四里外是浅山,B好似细浪微波,C线条柔和,D蜿蜒起伏,E连着高高的远山.F如原题 改错,下面每题中有一处错误,找出并说明理由1.Micky's hat looks like a cat,isn't it?2.I'm sorry I forgot my homework at home.3.One of the girls are English in our class. 请帮我检查一下下面的英文句子有哪些错误,谢谢!The drawing above strikes me very much. It's describes that a girl has a job interview in the afternoon, but she thinks that doing some make up is the only way to prepare for it.It refl 下面的句子有哪些错误 下面这句英文句子语法上有错误吗?求改正now I wanna tell u guys that I've got a english name it's 下面的句子中有一处错误,请找出来I don't know if or not it will rain. where did they visit on their trip 这个句子有什么错误吗?请说明原因 下面的一些图形中,哪个更像图A?请简要说明理由. 下面哪个符合C语言常量形式A.0xffce B.0xfhc 请说明理由