
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 01:35:59
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判断这两句话那句正确,为什么?标况下,22.4lCO含有的电子总数为14Na常温常压下,活泼金属根稀硫酸反应生成1molH2,转移的电子数为2Na哪个对,那个错,为什么?已经说是一摩了,还管标况干什么?你没 这两句话那句正确?我的祖籍是北京人.我的祖籍是北京. why were you do that 和why are you did that ,这两句话有错吗?请问那句正确,假如都正确,那是什么情况用哪个 一道判断题——初一数学互相垂直的两条线段一定相交(判断这句话是否正确,再说明理由)另外,我觉得这句话是正确的,但答案上说是错误的,为什么呢? He a is making kite.He is a making kite.这两句话哪一句正确,为什么? try to think about the good side of everything.trying to think about the good side of everying.这两句话那句才是正确的? 这两句话那句正确?1.how disturbing a situation does the author present to us! 2.How disturbing a situation the author presents/presented to us! 1,汽车受到的重力与地面对他的支持力相互平衡.2,汽车受到的支持力与他对地面的压力相互平衡.请问这两句话哪一句正确,哪一句错误,为什么? 1 Three days to five days.2 Three day to five days.这两句话,那一句是正确的语法? 松鼠!一只大松鼠!和那儿有一只大松鼠.两句话那句好?为什么? 这两句话有区别吗 1 it will be my birthday tomorrow 2 it is my birthday tomorrow这两句话有什么区别吗,两句的语法都是正确的吗?为什么第二句可以不用will呢 判断下面这句话是否正确,为什么?细胞每条染色体都只有一个DNA分子 1.判断下面这句话是否正确,为什么?边际成本下降时,平均成本不可能上升? 如果两个数的绝对值相等,那么这两个数相等.这句话正确吗?为什么? i don't know what is he doing?i don't know where does he live?和i don't know what is he doing?哪句话正确?错误的那句原因是什么?还有一个问题 ask him how much did it cost ask him how much it costs?这两句话那句是正确的? Traveling by air is quicker. Traveling by air is more quickly.这两句话那句话正确 所有的碳氢化合物分子组成均符合CnH2n+2碳氢化合物均不溶于水请判断上述两句话是否正确? 我想知道这两句话那句是正确的,为什么?Being satisfied with what he did,the teacher praised him in class.Satisfied with what he did,the teacher praised him in class.ps:being done 和 done做状语表被动的时候怎么区分,