A.1 2 3 3 4 5 _____ B.6 7 2 2 8 _____ C.7 2 10 _____ D.11 7 4 5 8 _____ E.4 7 9 8 6 2 _____各One group of number stands for one color.One number stands for one letter.Can you crack the code(破译密码) and write out the color?A.1 2 3 3 4 5 _____ B

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 15:31:58
xR1N0aqpѴ3G@ND#Q "*1aZ{l'GU|A(|L0հ$!f1 pE(X2 Ct\p) jܥB6\56JCvJ
一元二次方程解法有(1)_____(2)_____(3)_____(4)_____(5)_____ 1)观察下列各组数据并填空:A.1 2 3 4 5 平均数_____,方差_____ B.11 12 13 14 15 平均数_____,方差_____ C.10 20 30 40 50 平均数_____,方差_____ D.3 5 7 9 11 平均数_____,方差_____ (2)分别比较A与B.C.D的计算结果,你能 完成下列对话,(每空一词).a:hello,(1)_____ i speak to mike,please?b:hold(2)_____,please,i'll get(3)_____.who's speaking,please?a:(4)_____ is jim,his classmate.b:(5)_____,jim.i can't find him.can i take a message(6)_____ him?a:yes,please a 当a=-5,b=-3又3/1时,(1)a-b=_____.(2)-a-b=_____.(3)-a-(-b)=_____. 圈出所学的服装类单词,并写在横线上.ARTJCVDHSWEATERNTCWCBSEJSOCKLTSNHALEOPSQITATURAURXMQSHOETOEBEWZP 1_____ 2_____ 3_____ 4_____5_____ 6_____ 7_____ 8_____ 9_____ 1你这种行为被认为是犯罪行为Your action _____ _____ _____ a crime.2我也许给他们指错了方向_____ _____ _____ _____ I gave them the wrong directions.3他是动物方面的专家He is _____ _____ ______ animals.4看来,他们知道 根据句意填词,每空一词.1:Where _____ her keys?_____ ______ on her dresser.2:_______ Edward have a bookcase?NO,____ ______.3:_____ you have a tennis racket?Yes,_____ ____.4:______this your backpack?No,_____ _____.5:_____you like salad?Yes,___ 5x-2=3x+4 两边_____,根据_____得_____=3x+6.两边_____,根据_____得2x=_____.两边_____,根据_____得x=_____. 一、填空1、用动物名称填成语 7分_____争_____斗 _____歌_____舞 杯弓_____影 声誉_____起_____死_____悲 _____ _____为奸 _____丝_____迹 _____ _____不宁 2、今年是“鸡年”,请写出含“鸡”字的成语5个.3、写 -根号2的相反数比-1/根号2的倒数大_____.根号4-2a的最小值是_____,这时A=_____.3Q Here (1) ______ a list of all the clubs.A:Here (1)______ a list of all the clubs.B:What (2)______ do you (3)_____ to join?A:I want to join the (4)_____ club.I want to learn English.How (5)_____ you?B:Hmm,I want to join the (6)_____ club.(7)_____ you 1道英语补全对话求解A:Hi,Wang Li!Have you (1)_____ today's Beijing Evening Paper?B:Not (2)_____.What does it (3)_____?A:It says a pupil was (4)_____ by a car when he was riding to school.B:Oh,dear!Things(5)_____ this often happen in busy st 1,this person works in a store/supermarket.he is a _____.2,this person plays in the tv show.she is接第二题:_____.3,he helps the sick people.he is a _____.4,she draws pictures well.she is a _____.5,lf l like drawing and math,l can be _____.6,he 用不定冠词a或an填空,不需要的填/.1、This is _____ pen.2、That is _____ English map.3、Is this _____ orange?4、Is isn't _____ orange,It’s red.5、_____ “e” is in “ruler”.6、_____ “m” is in “map”.7、The quilt is __ 若4a-9与3a-5互为相反数,则a^2 -2a+1的值为_____ 1 Whan _____ your father_____(do)?He's a _____ (drive).2 I want a busy but _____(excite) job.3 I want _____(work) for a magazine.4 She likes _____(dance) and she is one of the best ______(dance) in our school.5 Thank you for ______(teach) us so well. 1、我会尽力快跑.I'll run _____ _____ _____ _____.2、妈妈病了,我得在家照顾她.Mother is ill,I _____ _____ _____ _____ home and _____ _____ her.3、写完作业前不能踢足球._____ _____ _____ before you finish your homework.4、 若3a²+2|b-1|=0,则a=_____,b=_____