求帮助分析一个高一英语的句子It's an agreement between towns or cities of similar size and age,and which have similar features such as tourism,industry,culture 麻烦分析一个这个句子…and在这儿干什么的… which引导的

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 17:44:38
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求帮助分析一个高一英语的句子It's an agreement between towns or cities of similar size and age,and which have similar features such as tourism,industry,culture 麻烦分析一个这个句子…and在这儿干什么的… which引导的 一个高一难度的英语句子分析,在线等Where there is a river,there is a city.Perhaps this is not always true,But it is true that many of the world's greatest cities have been built on the banks of a river.需要分析句子的各个知识 高一英语句子分析求帮助Never believe in those who like _____为什么可以填to thll lies 不能填 telling liesThe manager came up to us smiling. 请分析句子 尤其是smiling的用法 It's snowy and cold.Amy has a cold.这是一个英语句子,求它的意思 It's thought that counts 句子的结构?It's thought that counts 求句子结构的分析 求分析句子结构 It's about a 40-minute walk from here. 求一个超级简单的英语句子分析it's unlikely what's left of Berlusconi's clout will disappear overnight.句子来自CNN新闻,what's 中的‘s是is 还是 has(虽然去掉冠词在语法上也没有错误,但在新闻中应该比较是 求一个超级简单的英语句子分析it's unlikely what's left of Berlusconi's clout will disappear overnight.句子来自CNN新闻,what's 中的‘s是is 还是 has(虽然去掉冠词在语法上也没有错误,但在新闻中应该比较是 英语 It's a 网上看到的一幅图片求解释亮点在哪 求英语大神分析一个句子请分析一下这个句子的结构I think there is a world market for maybe five computers. 英语习题帮助!好人来啊!``````````````````````一.句子改错.Four plus there are seven .(_________)改为 (_______)二.I like b________,because it's the color of sky and sea.An American r_________.Ballet is a kind of classical It's no joke finding a job.谁来帮我分析分析这个句子的句式和成份, 一个英语句子结构的分析----------不是高手勿进【The truth of her life was a desire to see beyond the surface for a glimpse(一瞥)of what it is that matters.】 She found beauty and grace(仁慈)and they befriended(帮助) 好难啊,求分析英语句子结构 从it开始 问一个高一英语句子分析the small jokes are what make the movie worth seeing a second time worth 的句式不是be worth doing sth 为什么这里不加be It's time spent doing a special avtivity求大神告诉 为什么不是it’s time to spent 这个句子对吗 求分析 请帮忙分析一个英语句子的结构----高手帮忙It is not because the bicycles are expensive or people feel tired if they ride to work.It’s because the number of cars on the roads becomes more dangerous to ride a bicycle.只要分析第 求高人帮我分析分析现在完成时和过去完成时还有过去时的区别?完全懵了!.两个句子都出自高一英语必修一的一篇文章:Anne's best friend1、She and her family hid away for nearly 25 months before they were dis