1、The room____ I live ____ is very large (A)A.which; in B where; in问:为什么用“which”?2、_______(read)aloud in the morning is good for the students (reading)问:我曾经看到句子开头动词没有变ing的,这两者有

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/01 21:07:27
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keep the room____.please close the door.(warm) 1、The room____ I live ____ is very large (A)A.which; in B where; in问:为什么用“which”?2、_______(read)aloud in the morning is good for the students (reading)问:我曾经看到句子开头动词没有变ing的,这两者有 1.Underline the mistakes and correct them题目Underline the mistakes and correct them.1.Polly sprnt much time to watch the video plays.2.Shirley decided to win No.1 prize in the speech competition.3.I'm sorry I can't find your dog.Maybe it's not liv 几道英语选择题,说明原因1)—Shall I make you____to eat?—Oh,yes,I've had hardly ____.A.something,nothing B.anything,somethingC.something,anything D.anything,nothing2)It will be the largest ____concert the world has ever seen.A.alive B.liv There only two people in the room的同义句The room____ ______ In the docotr's waiting room____(sick) men,and women were sitting on the chairs. What's the____of the word?(mean) you must walk into the room____.(quiet) 英语语法(帮忙分析句子)1 i will report the events in a fair way ,not fearing being accused of doing that.请问not fearing being 为什么用这种句式?(ing)2 IT seemed strange that the man who had developed communism should have liv 我们怎样才能使房间干净用英语怎么说How can we ____ the room____? He walks into the_____(quiet)room.He walks into the room____(quiet). the room has been cleaned by tom 对tom提问____ ____the room____ cleaned ____ 谁能告诉我下列音标的单词?/liv//i:t//bed//baed//bi:/ 1.i have no room____,can you help me?A,to live B,live C,live in D,to live in2.why do you want to make ____ helen?A,a friend with B,a friend to C,friends with D,friends to3.is the boy over there jeff?no,it _____be him,i saw him in the library just now 请问英语里long live the king中的live是读“laiv”还是“liv”? 25.He had just left the room____.A.when rained25.He had just left the room____.A.when rained B.when raining C.when it is rained D.when it rained 一首英文歌.谁能告诉我这首歌叫什么名字.前几句我听着大概是i know i cant take one more staff talks to you because all the sweading is don't you know i am not your goast anymoreyou lost the love i love the knowsi learnt the liv 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空.1.If I _____ (know) his number,I would phone him.2.I_____________ (not buy )that coat if I were you .3.I __________(help )you if I could,but I’m afraid I can’t.4.4.If we had the choice ,we __________(liv 英语翻译1、那个男孩问几点了The boy asked __________2、这取决于她什么时候到达It depond on ____________3、你认为对于一个在中国生活得外国人来说,最大的困难是什么?____________________ for a foreigher liv