请问这句英语句子对不对Grandma emigrated from Romania in 1923,the same year as grandpa immigrated to America.后半句用as可以吗

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 08:03:17
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请问这句英语句子对不对Grandma emigrated from Romania in 1923,the same year as grandpa immigrated to America.后半句用as可以吗 这句英语句子的用法对不对th killer killed people by knife Is she your grandma对不对 这句英语句子语法对不对I cleaned it before.这句话,只是不知道before可不可以用在这里. 这句英语句子语法对不对:Teenagers are more easily influenced by their friends than by their parents. I'm thinking of going to my grandma's.这句话的意思是:我想去外婆家.出自英语900句中的第454句.请问:这句话的语法结构,越详细越好, 这句英语句子对不对We are going to go to have a test tomorrow.为什么在其他句子中看到to go 省略了? good luck to guys and me 这句英语对不对? there is no more tired things than to learn english没有什么比学英语更累的事情了.请问这句英语句子对不对?如果不对应该怎么改?这个是 no more than 的句型造的句. Although my grandma is now an_____woman,she's still very active.初三英语根据句意在句子空白处填写适当的单词. knot grandma's knot 帮忙翻译上面这句 英语 对不对英语对不对 这句句子对不对 It will happen in this coming summer holidays. there is no water in the bottle, is it?这句句子对不对 帮我看看这句句子对不对Where is the smoothies be favorite in? 英语的连词成句第一句 my in photo grandma the first grandpa are and 第二句two of nice photos are here family his 帮忙练成句子 人生没有如果,只有后果和结果.请问这句话说得对不对? 人生没有如果,只有后果和结果.请问这句话说得对不对?