帮我检查一下这段英文有没有语法或者是拼写的错误.谢谢各位了.Lao zi, who Dan, life is not known, the legend of Lee ears, late Spring and Autumn Chu, the founder of the Taoist school of thought. He stressed that everything s

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/11 06:32:07
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帮我检查一下这段英文有没有语法或者是拼写的错误.谢谢各位了.Lao zi, who Dan, life is not known, the legend of Lee ears, late Spring and Autumn Chu, the founder of the Taoist school of thought. He stressed that everything s 看看有没有语法错误,或者是偏题了或者是怎么样了,帮我检查一下, 麻烦帮我检查一下,这些英文句子有没有语法或者拼写错误.If you come into,call the police.What are you laughing at?-Don't touch me!Don't touch me~How dare you?Don't say too much to her,it's useless.Let's go.Let go of me.Are you cr 英语作文,语法检查请帮我检查一下,这篇作文有没有语法错误, 英语,帮我检查一下有没有语法错误 帮我检查一下有没有哪题错了? 能不能帮我检查一下有没有语法错误, 帮忙看看这段英文自我介绍写的有没有语法问题,帮忙看看这段英文自我介绍写的有没有语法问题,这是去面试用的,需要一个简单的自我介绍,这是我自己写的,英文不好,怕有语法问题,或者提供 帮忙看看英语作文语法问题这图是我的英语作业,交上去之前希望大神们帮我检查一下语法上有设么问题没有,或者有其他什么需要改进的地方 初中英语作文 大家帮我检查一下拼写错误和语法错误如题,这是演讲用的 my hobby 忽略标点和大小写,只看拼写和语法(比如时态和单复数),如果有更好的(在写作上的)建议当然更好了,要显 帮我检查一下语法有没有错误这是我的演讲稿,请帮我检查一下!Hello!My name is×××.I'm a boy.I'm twelve years old.I live in ××.I'm a student.Olympic Games is at hand.Therefore today I will tell your some sports.I like to play 各位大神帮我检查一下有没有错误,请指出! 请学霸帮忙检查一下有没有语法或者拼写上的错误. 请帮我检查一下,这张作业有没有错误,如有错误请指出! 帮我检查一下这段文字有没有存在语法,句子等错误,请纠正!30分I can not remember what I do at this time last year,But the medicine bottle in the cupboard can tell me clearly ,It was at the beginning of this year that I brought th 哪位英文高手帮我检查一下这篇文章的语法这是我自己写的歌词,准备用作原创,但是鄙人不才,英文太烂.于是请高手帮忙检查一下语法正误,感激不尽.I’m alone in the park just like a fool,The biggest mi 帮我检查一下这段英文有没有语法错误,顺便帮我改正一下,Today I was sick,so I had to go to the doctor and rest.I told the doctor,I have no strength,headache,and I do not want to eat anything,and I am hot.The doctor said I had a c 求英语高手帮我检查一下有没有语法和拼写的错误But judging from the present situation,the competition ability of small and micro businesses in our country is relatively poor,and there has been a misunderstanding on the market.It is