一些英语智力测试题1.Take six letters away from CHOCOLATE,and you can make something you wear with the letters that are left.What is it?2.What part of London is in France?3.I have cities but no houses,forests but no trees,rivers without water

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/19 17:40:38
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一些英语智力测试题1.Take six letters away from CHOCOLATE,and you can make something you wear with the letters that are left.What is it?2.What part of London is in France?3.I have cities but no houses,forests but no trees,rivers without water A clock takes five seconds to strike six.How many seconds does it take to strike twelve?这是一道英语智力测试题!如果算不出来的,我英语水平实在是不太好! 一道英语智力测试题can you take one from nineteen and get twenty 智力测试英语的 谁能给我这些英语智力测试题的答案?英语智力测试题 ( )1.What’s the Chinese for “six of one and half a dozen of the other?” A.六分之一 B.人云亦云 C.半斤八两 D.见一面分一半 ( )2.What three letters turn a girl 初一HZZ(Unit8)英语智力测试题1.Which letters means the twenty-six letters of English?The Answer:_____________________________________________2.Who can stop many trucs with one hand?The Answer:_____________________________________________3.Mar 小学英语智力测试题 一道智力测试题 智力测试题 一些关于逻辑思维测试,智力测试,数学测试方面的智力测试题我现在急需一些有关逻辑思维方面的,数学方面的等等跟这些有关一些智力测试题, 求一些智力测试题及答案、以及一些智力小算数题及答案、需要详细答案、这些、 智力测试题(或脑筋急转弯)用英语怎么说? 英语智力测试题,我把原题抄上:Ⅲ.智力小测试What's the next?(下一个是什么?)HelloOverRead( ) There are two mistakes in this sentence.What are they?英文智力测试是英语智力测试题啦, 问一些八年级英语的题 是智力测试和猜谜语智力测试:1.There is strange English word.It's first two letters stand for a man,it's first there letters stand for a woman.What is it?2.A doctor has a brother,but the brother has no brot 七题和智力测试? 是智力测试那个题. 英语智力测试(初一) what 5-letter word has 6 left when you take 2 letters away?