英语句子,帮分析下语法成分.It is not what Oxford is there to do. 课文原文,有点迷糊,这是什么结构,主从还是什么,主谓宾是什么请说下. 详细点,满意追加分数.整个句子什么意思也请翻译一下.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 09:04:38
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It is just as you said .请大侠帮我分析下这个句子的成分.因为牵扯到几个语法成分,已经把我搞晕了,所以希望说的详细些.尤其是as, 英语句子语法成分分析He is wearing a new coat.句子中“is”做什么语法成分? 英语句子,帮分析下语法成分.It is not what Oxford is there to do. 课文原文,有点迷糊,这是什么结构,主从还是什么,主谓宾是什么请说下. 详细点,满意追加分数.整个句子什么意思也请翻译一下. It is the place to escape to.请帮我分析一下这个小句子的语法成分尤其to escape后面为什么接了to? 请帮我分析一下英语句子的成分!还有基本语法! 请大家帮我分析下这个句子,句子中的各个对应成分~A team that thinks it’s going to lose is going to lose. …,so hard is it to give up.请帮我分析一下句子语法 Interbrand is an internationally known branding consulting company baesd in London.请帮我分析下句子的语法结构和成分?branding consulting 在这里是什么成分干什么用的? 请大家帮我分析下句子语法.具体点哦.None is of freedom or of life deserving unless he daily conquers it anew. 分析语法成分,谁帮我分析下,我看不懂啊!In another part of London,supporting evidence from two other deaths that were linked to Broad Stree out break.分析一下这个句子的语法成分 一个主语从句语法分析:It is rare that calls for worksplace flexibility are considered to be for men as much as for women.这个句子的语法成分,帮我分析下.我头疼.are considered to be for men as much as for women为什么这里 分析下这个英语句子的语法It is as if a single unimportant event set up a chain of reactions. 大家帮我看下这个英语句子语法有问题吗?It in Beijing is as cold as that in Harbin. this is what today 's well dressed man is wearing 帮我分析下这句话语法is wearing 是什么成分别用术语回答 英语(,请详细分析句子)it is as though we are againstthose who make uncommon sacrifices because they enjoy doing something.中的的it is是怎么回事?帮分析下句子结构? 语法 请分析下下面句子中括号中的在句子中所作的成分 our total income is double what it was in 1955 请分析下该句子double的成分 分析下:主谓宾成分?谢谢(先看看下面句子语法 )1:the kettle is behind the teapot 2:there is kettle behind the teatop