简单说下原因6,the_____of building the Great Theater ____ only one year A,job,spent B,work,spend C,position,took D,works,took 8,students should be encouraged to finish their homework _____.A,of themselves B,of their own C,for their own D,on thei

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/11 06:28:58
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简单说下原因6,the_____of building the Great Theater ____ only one year A,job,spent B,work,spend C,position,took D,works,took 8,students should be encouraged to finish their homework _____.A,of themselves B,of their own C,for their own D,on thei 简单说科索沃战争原因 Shanghai is in the_____of china A west B eShanghai is in the_____of chinaA west B eastC south 任意浓度范围内的标准曲线都是直线吗?请简单说下原因呀 欧洲国家的人 他们的英语水平怎样 请在简单说下原因 联合国的安理会算不算权力机构?或是最高权力机构?能的话简单说下原因. 简单的说下意思! 督办是什么意思?简单说下 22.麻烦说下原因 说下原因就行, 自动空气开关中,能否用热脱扣器代替电磁脱扣器?如果不能请简单的说下原因, Would you mind___the window A.closing B.close 说下原因,再翻译下句子 选b...说下原因...和ab里两个符号有什么区别... 选b...说下原因...和ab里两个符号有什么区别... 求电位最好简单的说下方法a b c 电位 taiwan is in the_____of china.A southwest B northeast C southeast This is the_____of the story.A.begining B.beginning C.begins D.began 简单的英文题目,简单说下原因,速度回答30,he excepted there _______more room for him to put in a desk. A,will be B,is C,to be D,being 31,we noticed Bob ______ the room secretly. A,entering B,enter C,enters D,entered 32,with out fact ,we 时区和国际日界线简单说下