英语翻译1.Prey多,predator 食物充足,population增加2.Prey少了,predator食物减少了,population减少;3.predator少了,Prey又开始多起来了,如此循环population平衡.实际上第三阶段就是第一阶段,因为是cyclic,不断

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 01:12:16
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英语翻译1.Prey多,predator 食物充足,population增加2.Prey少了,predator食物减少了,population减少;3.predator少了,Prey又开始多起来了,如此循环population平衡.实际上第三阶段就是第一阶段,因为是cyclic,不断 predator-prey是什么意思 反应扩散方程Matlab编程>> function fd1d_predator_prey ( )% FD1D_PREDATOR_PREY.m one-dimensional finite-difference method for Scheme 2% applied to the predator-prey system with Kinetics 1.%% Author:%% Marcus Garvie%%% User inputs of parameters% 科学!急!the similarity of every interaction (prey-predator,symbiosis and competition) : _________英文回答,还有the differences of every interaction (prey-predator,symbiosis and competition) : __________?Form2 INTERACTION BETWEEN LIVING OR 英语翻译What has been needed is a method for studying the detection of cryptic prey that allows the isolation of the many variables that can affect the decisions of a predator,including recent experience,and then allows predation to feed back ont prey 是什么意思? 英语翻译it is easy to forget that some development economists were once prey to export fatalismprey 是动词还是名词 英语翻译还有一句 can the ground in aloft on wahen the prey gmat The price the goA recent study has provided clues to predator-prey dynamics in the late Pleistocene era.Researchers compared the number of tooth fractures in present-day carnivores with tooth fractures in carnivores that lived 36,000 to 10,000 y of后面加数字,求问“of”在本句中的用法The predator-prey BMFs of HCH in ringed seals of 20 and in beluga whales of 50 exceed the BMFs of PCB 180 in those animals. 其中:BMF是生物放大因子(是一个数字)HCH和PCB 180是两 prey的名词形式 predato-prey是什么意思 hunter prey 意思Hunter 英语翻译while being particularly careful not to fall prey to narcissism a commonconcern regarding auto-ethnographical approaches. prey 过去分词prey的过去分词是什么 PREY OF THE JAGUAR怎么样 裸杀万里追 THE NAKED PREY怎么样 英语翻译his lips were drawn back from his teeth in fury,and the lounging grace of his body was gathered into a predator's crouch.这里的drawn 还有lounging grace 还有整句话翻译 说清楚的