用适当的介词或连词填空!don't deaw ( )pens.the music rooms are ( ) the second floor.Mary helps her friends( )their chinesethey have no time( )rest.mike's brother can write a letter( )chinese.he is talking( ) his father ( )his new father.对

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/17 11:47:34
xNA_JfW7C,00CvǒH5Rjbimڪt#3,WB b^w잏=7C,j %y[[^ [^7АߺGI$&]i<γ>9q$8KB*ùt7&OR%,ԃD2tP&8%(/,]$c>=.tye BA<pf){IrM!c$ߏ8u{'od#Ah-<>)xSFx+,^?e\lS71 jφR1X4H3c̘1gApjڲIp|IĢ~e }1LF3g3wE W9|S۬Vӏ y~(Wqqn %{` 'a JC?XiG^#W۲EAm_vǟ8rgB whclD}W 6U5 ݪد:`#/:a;On OIG[gp25h ʺj+NRѵ|9"́Vg*C`ndf{>q>:FJ U @a@T#nk3 2֬
用适当的介词或连词填空don not fight( )each other,we are good friends don't throw the book ____that again 用适当的介词或副词填空 Don't play ( ) this heat.用适当的介词填空 All the workers are working,( ) it's very dark用适当的介词或连词填空 The students took notes___they listened.用适当的介词或连词填空 用适当的介词或副词填空 Don't worry.I can help you _____your English.(用适当的介词、副词填空) 用适当的介词填空 Don't read _______ the sun I don't like vetetables______ tomatoes.(用适当的介词填空) You didn't leave it______school but_____home用适当的介词或副词填空 用适当的介词或连词填空we are all( )schooltoday,no noe goes out and stays at home 用适当的介词或副词填空 1,Don't put your football socks_____the bed.2,The train moves____Beijing_用适当的介词或副词填空1,Don't put your football socks_____the bed.2,The train moves____Beijing____Guangzhou.3,-Is your bother____?- 用适当介词或连词填空.Study hard,___you will fail in the next exam 用适当的介词或连词填空!don't deaw ( )pens.the music rooms are ( ) the second floor.Mary helps her friends( )their chinesethey have no time( )rest.mike's brother can write a letter( )chinese.he is talking( ) his father ( )his new father.对 用适当的介词或连词填空 ​ 1.Who is the director -----this clothing shop?1.Who is the director -----this clothing shop?2.He waited for me----12;00 last night.3.Don't be impolite -----the old man.4.You look beautiful -----the red dres 根据句义,用适当的介词填空I don't think any _____the movies is interesting Don't be late__schoolBe careful__the dog.I often help my brother __his English.用适当的介词填空. 如图:用适当的介词或副词填空的