Scientists think there has been life on Earth for millions of years.拜托各位了 3Q这句话为什么用has而不用have呢?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 16:43:52
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Scientists think that women kept the first man--raised animals. Most of the scientists think that Mars is a ______ planet.(life) Scientists think that the continents___always where they ___today.A.weren't:are B.aren't:are mary computer scientists are now thinking of m( ) the computer (think) like a man. think,animals and plants,every,earth,on,the,die out,year,scientists(连词成句) many compuer scientists ______ making the compuerthink like people.A to think B think of c. thinks of d thinking many compuer scientists ______ making the compuer thinj like people.写错了应该是“think”A to think B think of c.thinks of D thinking many compuer scientists ______ making the compuerthink like people.A to think B think of c.thinks of D thinking Some scientists believe that there will be such robots in the future此处为何用believe而不用think(原是单选题目),请说明理由 Scientists think that there has been _____(life) on the earth for hundreds of millions of years.为什么课本用单数? The scientists began to think about what use could be __such things.A made up B made from C made of D made out scientists think that this cold and lonely place can teach us a lot about the earth and how tokeep it safe 翻译 There is not any water on Mars now becouse it is too c____ but scientists think it was warmerin the p____. Scientists think animals can do something ___they___themsome food to eat. Divers from the study group have discovered ( ) building scientists think is the remains ofa temple built by the people who once lived beside the lake空格能不能填what啊宾语从句 英文翻译,力求准确When scientists look to the stars, they wonder about their mystery. When we engineers look to the stars, we think about building something to reach them. To the stars and for engineering! 英语翻译Cloning and DNAMany people think that the science of genetics and cloning is resent.It’s certainly true that in 1953,Watson and Crick ,two scientists at Cambridge University,England ,discovered the structure of the acid DNA---a transpar 英语翻译为什么不能说成the great living scientists而是说成the great scientists alive