As they are expected to be hungry after their long journey,我想知道这里的to be +形容词是什么用法,都在什么情况下这样用

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 02:12:10
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We may miss good luck because they are not packed as we expected.的翻译. the hotel was not as good as they expected.什么语法?为什么不是 what they expected? we are glad to know they have succeeded in finishing their work /.a:as expected;为什么用形容词? as they are expected to be hungry after their long journey .as it is considered unlucky for anyone living to eat it .这两句话,可以写成expected hungrily ...considered to be unlucky ...为什么? As they are expected to be hungry after their long journey,我想知道这里的to be +形容词是什么用法,都在什么情况下这样用 as might be expected的用法as might be expected和as might have been expected的意思一样吗?be 可换成(is am are)吗? there aren't as many people here as I expected.改为意思相同的句子提示 there are I expected. they are both as happy as they are old, they are not as nice as trains they finished their work on time___i had expected是用as吗? as was expectedAs was expected,they were happy to see that.中的was可否去掉?为什么? visitors are expected翻译 These houses are sold at such a low price___people b.which c.That as was expected as is expected 都怎么用 With things as they are very good 翻译They are fit as fiddles as was expected什么意思 英语七选五(19:4)Families need some rules.1.----- When rules are clear,they help children learn what they can and cannot do and what is expected of them.2.----3.----Children as young as three years of age can have meaningful discussion with