请问你可以帮我分析:The first step is to undersding the organism中understanding的词性吗

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 18:18:33
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请问你可以帮我分析:The first step is to undersding the organism中understanding的词性吗 Did it work the first time you turned it on?能帮我分析一下这个句型吗?是什么从句? The first person in a class shirt works in my firm 请问这个句子属于什么类型的句子?能帮我详细分析一下它的主谓表结构吗? 请问,Charles babbage is generally considered ____ the first computers.a.to invent b.inventing c.to have invented d.having invented请帮我分析一下为什么选c好吗 怎样解释呢 ?Comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.请问 可以帮我分析这个句子的成分以及用法吗? 非常感谢! 证明:cos4a+4cos2a+3=8cos4次方a请问你是怎么解答化简的呢?可以帮我分析一下不 在吗,有两个问题求救你 (1) The Chinese first made paper about 2000 years ago.(2)The party(1) The Chinese first made paper about 2000 years ago.(2)The party has great concern for us students.帮我分析一下这两个句子的成分, 请问有什么事,你可以留下电话号码,我帮你转告我父母英语翻译 请问可以帮我中译英一封信吗? I thought the writer to be him.请问这句话的表语如何分析?请详细帮我分析下~ 哪里有矿石分析的?我拿了一些矿石样本,请问谁知道哪里可以帮我分析一下成分阿.我想要个分析报告 我可以帮你做这张图. 我可以帮你照张像吗? 请问the first 帮我分析一下这句英语的语法谢谢In the first place,universities serve as educational facilities where teaching and learning are carried out. this trip was the first time i had to use english in real life.帮我分析一下这个句子 谢谢了 I would like to refer back to the first point,这名话里面,是直宾和间宾的结构吧?帮我分析一下!直宾:to the first point,间宾:to refer back,对吗? 请问“人生无常”这句话大概可以指几种意思?有谁可以帮我分析一下没?