用a或者the或者不填?1、The people of China are proud of Zhai Zhigang,( )man who has realized the Chinese dream of flying in space.2、I will show you around ( ) Mount Wuyi.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 23:55:18
xSMOQ+w&b-i;&=  +@PڊZ): X}3 oӘ&4f}s9o| kܺ JԋU25 ,4< ZDEML ݃3LxP BDb!Bvz~ΈPBV + ѽ A4!ƈJ)~ \xEYxKT?p~كa`3 ?pK/"K6SeS&1R G!bUqm!# ZSX=[m O>f!H:b6>/ Ls6'`a}hLvI<}F|MTM~7lmn@F7 q@ V ;E\ /rA\[5up20 2>fo뎵-O;M>wJ *KJ.,f Y@Py}}<MbWd:o5q`m>jx]H^wOVZ |:= s&/-"0* 9FۋiLeu?ovt={[nD"QUa!e7 )l5r;;?ԗvfUt鸞dLn8瘽}\Oi6ӞիQU]r-ݚ'
获取必要的经验:Gain____necessary experience.需要填a或者the么?还是不填? ___of the old village stands a tower..North 为什么不填In north或者the north? 用a或者the或者不填?1、The people of China are proud of Zhai Zhigang,( )man who has realized the Chinese dream of flying in space.2、I will show you around ( ) Mount Wuyi. it is a good feeling for people为什么用a为什么要用a 而不是the或者不填 but we both went to______ people's cinema yesterday 这句话加什么冠词?a或者 an 或者 the,还是不填 ——I am thirsty.——I will get you()drink of water在括号里补充一个单词,a或者the或者不填 she is ( ) newer comer to ( )cemistry but she has already made some important discoveries.这两空填a the 或者不填. it is 【】 most beautiful one 括号里可否不填,或者加a,能不能不加the For him 什么 stage is just 什么 means of making a living. 【填an' a ' the' 或者不填】要确定答案! ( )bird wing butterfly is the biggest butterfly.( )内填a,an,the或者/. We often see him ______ novels in the evening.为什么填 read 不填 reading 或者 reads Is this the money_____you lost?空格中填什么或者不填 请详细说明理由.好的+分 Of course.Do you like this( ) rad sweater?( )内填a,an,the或者/. No news is ____good news (填a,an,the或者/) 英语 填is或者are There___some juice in the bottle. pass the ball on .me 填介词或者副词 When the government office building was under __fire ,the crowd got into __panic.请填冠词(或者根据需要不填),并说明理由! According to____legend ancient.空上为什么写的是不定冠词an而不是定冠词the或者不填