同为书为什么book就是a,english book就是an

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 00:19:06
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同为书为什么book就是a,english book就是an 为什么A book called '.'没有be也为被动语态. under is his book the ridao Englis组成一个完整的句子. 独立主格结构句子问题The boy goes to the classroom,book in hand.那男孩手里拿着书去教室.是独立结构.为什么后面的book不加冠词?能不能为 a book in his hand 为什么He gives me a book 就是双宾语而He offered me his seat就是宾语补足语 英语同意句转换1.He seems to come here by car.___ ___ ___ he ___ come here by car.2.Maybe he finds that lost book.he ___ ___ that lost book.3.It's a really interesting job.It's ___ ___ interesting job.4.It takes me thirty minutes to read Englis 为什么“I bought a book .变为疑问句时动词为原型“buy” class Book(...){.}; class rend(..){ Book a=new Book[3];}可以这样定义吗?为什么? 设矩阵A、B为同阶方阵,且A、B的行列式分别为:|A|=2,|B|=3,则矩阵AB的行列式|AB|=?答案就是6,但是为什么呢?有什么原理? Our teacher entered the classroom,book in hand.另一句是Our teacher entered the classroom,with a book in his hand.为什么两句伴随状语要不同呢? 翻译 i have a book为洼厄语 英语的 1、Mr.zheng -------(read) a book now 2、The rabbits------(junp)now3、Look!Tow and john ------(swim)4、My brother ---------(make)a kite in his room now5、Look!The bus -------(stop)6、We---------------(have)an Englis doesn't do well in math a ( ) he is good at Englis 关于独立主格The teacher came into the office,_in hand.A.a book wasB.and a book C.a book D.book为什么? The teacher came into the office,_in hand. A.a book was B.and a book C.a book D.book 为什么? a book This is quite a good book.Mr Zhang gave ________ last week.A.me it B.it to meC.it for me D.me to it还要说为什么啊啊本人是知道正确答案的哦就是想知道为什么!汗...错拉,句型也错掉了,give sb没有for 的 二楼,那为什 为什么 he have a book 而 l has a book 用 has?