It's said+that从句,“据说……”,为什么不是It says+that从句It's said+that从句 是“据说……”的意思,为什么不是这样:It says+that从句?莫非It's said用的是被动语态,意思是“事情被说成是……”,所

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/05 23:05:10
xRn@ٱh QXʂ?`@,Q;yy4N MT N)3ɪPV!Y͝s9RDTA|N ihڬ:F_'BlĮHC;u>"M.c:$'vdk?"ȧ-5fA$ ESfyxiA0H)l[@5Gp -yF;PShM^QX/; 1̇n*ClŇ|n|rO*E 7(ـ 1 >Il|dKe:6XwRF-fN=sʇY((kГ * 2zb($VpzfIlcf.h{2OEQ)X1`\P1.ጚRXb`,IR(rfA-8WV{Mѿ~?^rPa8?Ta./4*Bw"޴5م8qWQ[vzX:% HԲ{xBk. ܪ"~: ;mMV2X
It's said+that从句,“据说……”,为什么不是It says+that从句It's said+that从句 是“据说……”的意思,为什么不是这样:It says+that从句?莫非It's said用的是被动语态,意思是“事情被说成是……”,所 据说的英文It's said that …的that能省吗 翻译“据说许多古老的习俗正在消失(it's said that)” It's said that从句是被动语态,怎么It's known to us that从句却不是? It’s said that… that引导的从句在句中作_______(成分) 据说约翰长大后成为了一名警察It's said that John became a policeman when he_______ 据说那个谋杀事件发生在午夜 It′s said that the murder ____ ____at midnight. 据说那些孩子已经答应帮助我们做清理工作.It’s said that the children____ ____ _____ ______us with it's said that和it said that的区别 It is helped+that从句是什么意思?It is said是据说It is reported是据报道It is known是据了解It is believed据认为那么It is helped是什么意思? It is said that that was all that he said.这三个that分别是什么从句? 英文据说的用法及造句it is said that it is said to beit is said to do 请帮各造些句. it's+形容词/(v+ed)+that属于什么从句例:It's said that dogs are color blind.It's certain that you should leave.这两种属于什么类型的从句? 请问It's said that by us从句是被动语态,怎么It's known to us that从句却不是?请问It's said that by us从句是被动语态,这里用的是BY US,而It's known to us that...这句用TO US ,也可以是被动语态?好象不是被动语 it is said that为什么不是宾语从句 it was said that 后面的句子是什么状语从句 it was said和it is said 区别it is said that是据说.因为是据说本来就指过去的吧,那it was said不就和it is said一样了吗? It's said that是等于people said that 还是people say that It's said that还等于什么?