Tom's mother is a doctor.She is e_____the sick man in the hospital.根据句意及首字母完成单词.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/17 09:48:00
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Tom's mother is a teacher 划线提问(a teacher)( )( )Tom's mother( ) Tom's mother is a teacher.对Tom's mother提问 对Tom's mother提问 is a teacher. 英语对划线部分提问:Tom's mother is (a teacher). __ __ Tom's mother __? allen is tom's ( ) A,cousin B,mother C,auntLook,is that Tom's family photos this is his sister,I do not know;,Tom,is this your sister?Yes,this is her first name is Tom Linda,she is your Mather?No,she's my aunt,her name is Carol.That is my parents.Who —mother is a teacher A,Tom and Bill B,Tom's and Bill C,Tom and Bill's D、Tom's and Bill 's —mother is a teacher A,Tom and Bill B,Tom's and Bill C,Tom and Bill's D、Tom's and Bill 's Tom’s mother ( ) Tom ( ) do homework.Tom’s mother ( ) Tom ( ) do homework.(汤姆的妈妈叫汤姆做家庭作业) 回答问题. Where is Tom from? Where does he live? What's mother's hobby?What does the family eat for breakfast?Does Tom have a little brother?What do Tom and l like? What is Tom's mother like?My name is Tom.My mother is a middle school teacher.She is doing housework now.What am I doing?I am doing my homework.What is Tom's mother like? Tom's mother is your aunt,He is your _______.A.cousinB.brotherC.uncleD.son what's is Tom's uncle do? Tom's mother is _____(thin) than Mary's Tom's mother is worried _____ her son's eyesight. Do you know the name ___ Tom,s mother? Tom is my father and he is my mother's( ) 1.--Your father is quite a good swimmer.--Sure he is.He often ____ when he was young.A.swimsB.swamC.swum2.Tom's mother asked him ____ some washing after do B.doesC.doD.did tom's mother is younger than ben's.对tom's进行提问