英语高手们帮我做篇阅读分析吧!Passage 1 Around the world two thirds of the people are farmers. Most of them engage in subsistence farming. This means that they raise plants and animals to furnish their families with food and other suppl

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 03:37:40
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英语高手们帮我分析一下我的四级成绩听力 144阅读 146综合 40写作 93 英语高手们帮我做篇阅读分析吧!Passage 1 Around the world two thirds of the people are farmers. Most of them engage in subsistence farming. This means that they raise plants and animals to furnish their families with food and other suppl 英语高手们 帮我做做这倒阅读题吧 哪里有英语高手可以帮我做一道阅读题. 求英语高手帮我做! 英语高手帮我做下 能帮我做篇英语阅读吗 英语好的人帮我做篇阅读可好? 请各位英语高手帮我分析一下我的四级成绩.刚刚出来的刚刚出来英语四级考试成绩,听力:170 阅读:219 综合:69 写作:115,为6级做准备. 英语阅读理解高手们做 找个英语高手做师傅 主要帮我分析些句子的语法主要帮我分析些长短句子的语法 请高手们帮我分析下我的四级各部分成绩,应该怎样提高?考前没有做过四级的题~备战六级~总分447听力126阅读166综合45写作110 英语高手们帮我分析一句话今天做阅读有这样一句话:xing Xu and his colleagues at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in BeiJing said that their examination of Xiaotingia,in comparsion with more bird skeletons from the same period as 求英语高手帮我做个短文填空 有英语高手么?!?!帮我做了必定采纳! 寻找一位英语阅读高手.帮我看看一篇阅读理解 帮做英语阅读理解 英语完型好的有没有,帮我做篇阅读我高二