China'entry into WTO encourages more people to learn English.翻译题哦

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 19:10:08
China's entry into WTO为什么有个's? entry into WTO是什么词性 China's entry into WTO为什么有个's?s是哪个单词?entry into WTO又是什么词性? China'entry into WTO encourages more people to learn English.翻译题哦 China's entry into WTO encourages more people to learn English.翻译啊 to talk briefly about the procedure of china's entry into the WTO 英文版的 英语5.It is certain that China’s entry into the WTO _______5.It is certain that China’s entry into the WTO _______ to promote foreign trades with other countries.A.causes B.leads C.results D.serves为什么 英语51.It os certain that China’s entry into the WTO ______ to promote51.It os certain that China’s entry into the WTO ______ to promote Foreign trades eith other countries.A.causesB.leadsC.resultsD.serves为什么 after its entry into the WTOMuch talk can be heard about the opportunities and challenges China will face after its entry into the WTO其中after its entry into the WTO .entry是名词.这里用语法怎么解释?名词作状语么?我写的after it He declared himself skeptical that China deserved entry into the WTO.he是主语,declared是谓语,himself是宾语.skeptical是什么成分?that从句又是什么成分? Chinaˊs entry into WTO has a great influence ______ every Chinese A、to B、upon C、in D、with 帮我翻译,写一篇英语作文,题目是“The effect of china's entry into WTO on the Chinese economy”150字左右,题目的中文意思是:中国加入WTO对中国经济的影响 英语翻译The Translation of Brand NamesAbstracts:China's entry into the WTO and the consequent liberalization of commerce and distribution have dramatically increased competition on the Chinese market.To face the new challenge,both domestic and fo 1 Can't you remember that they ( ) their plan once?A did change B do change C change D will change2 China's entry into the WTO has as important a meaning to China as ( ) the USA.A which does to B it has C it does to D what it is3 What clothes should 经济类英语学术短文求翻译.如下,求完整翻译.Acceleration of the strategic restructuring of the economy is needed to meet the need to boost domestic demand and stimulate economic growth.China's entry into WTO has made this need more ur 5句中译英 按()要求1.中国加入贸易组织(China's entry into WTO)不仅仅是一种机遇,也是一种挑战.(more than)2.民意调换表明老龄化被认为是社会问题.(consider as)3.这幅油画经常使我想起去 what will happen if china enter into wto这句话中怎么没有主语呀 With china entry's to WTO,we are facing a opportunity, ---------that will lead to our prosperity--------上填the one还是one ? With china entry's to WTO,we are facing a opportunity,---------that will lead to our prosperity-------上填THE ONE 还是 ONE 不是翻译 THE ONE 也能引导定丛吗?语法里规定?