There___lots of people at the restourant when I got B.was C.are D.were

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There___lots of people at the restourant when I got B.was C.are D.were There___lots of old buildings here in the past A,was B,used to have C,used to be Made up of peop|e from different parts of the woMade up of peop|e from different parts of the world意思 The houses are very nice and beautiful.A lot of peop live here.翻译 为什么There___lots of trees and flowers on ___side of the road in two years选D选项是A.will have,both B.will be,anyC.will be,either D.will have,each Don't fall in love of people each said,heart filled with an impossible!Don't fall in love of peop求翻译 ust because I can be any kind of person,so I'm a real 是Just because I can be any kind of person,so I'm a real peop Big Good People Big Good Peop The project is one of the many government programmes____improving the ____for the poorest peop;e in China.A:aiming at ;condition B:aimed at ;situation C:aiming at ;occasion D:aimed at :cases 英语翻译说明 每句有一处错误1.Scientific prediction of earthquakes【remains(A)】primitive and haphazard; however ,scientists 【can make(B)】general predictions after monitor【magnetic changes(C)】along【principal(D)】faults.2.Peop 英语翻译Overweight children need help at school-not humiliationObesity is an increasingly common lifestyle disease and reduce life expectancy by three to 14 years.Every year in the UK,obesity is responsible for the premature deaths of 30,000 peop 英语翻译Many of the older employees are just waiting,looking toward retirement.Theyexpect that the company should train them on company time,rather than showinginitiative themselves.They have the 'send-me-to-a-class' mentality...But theyoung peop 英语翻译①We call the Chinese New Year the spring Festival.There is a name for each Chinese year.We may call it the year of the cat,the year of the monkey or the year of the pig.And this year is the year of the horse.Before New Year’s Day,peop 英语翻译求翻译春节:Chinese Spring Festival celebrating the end of winter and the warmth of spring.It began in the last day of the lunar year,end in the 15th day of lunar New Year,also is the Lantern Festival.During the Spring Festival,peop A strange tree in a town has a certain number of long branches and short branches.Each year,a quarter of the number of short branches are lost as they become long branches.However,this would lead to the tree growing too many long branches,so the peop 英语翻译26 Shambaugh,David,“Training China’s political elite:the Party School system.” The China Quarterly,Vol.197,December 2008,pp.827-844.27 The official current title of the school is the Party School of the Central Committee of the Peop The Red Cross is an international o .it provides a number of services for tThe Red Cross is an international o provides a number of services for the public,such as c_ for people,teaching them the k_ of the first-aid(急救)and helping peop 请帮我分析一下这个句子,雅思里面的,On average,11% of all households,comprising almost two million people,were in this position.However,those consisting of only one parent or a single adult had almost double this proportion of poor peop