请问这个英语短文有错误吗?The 2008 Olympic Games was held in our country.people from the world were flooded into our capital-beijing to attend this great sports meeting.The opening and closing ceremony of the Olympic Games was grand.51 gol

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 03:36:22
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请问这个英语短文有错误吗?The 2008 Olympic Games was held in our country.people from the world were flooded into our capital-beijing to attend this great sports meeting.The opening and closing ceremony of the Olympic Games was grand.51 gol 这个英语作文有错误吗? 英语短文改十处错误 Once none of you is here,the man in throne will live alone in the lonely zone.请问这个句子有请问这个句子有错误吗? 请问clean the tables这个短语用法是否错误?有定冠词the,其后名词不应为单数吗 英语改错Animals never seem to have bad days.英语短文中它说要改错,这个是短文的第一句.Animals never seem to have bad days.请问有什么错误啊? 请问有错误吗. 请问这个短文有几个自然段 英语纠错-请问这句话有错误吗?7The boy is not doing any work lately 英语短文改错 共十处错误 I am in the hotel ,这个句式有错误吗? 请问这个句子:The problem is too difficult.Nobody can work out it.有虾米错误? 这英语句子有错误吗I had difficult finding the keyhole.有错误不? 英语句子the percentage of people dissatisfied wi英语句子the percentage of people dissatisfied with their jobs is about 64% 这个句型有错误吗?我感觉有错误啊, 请问这句英语有错误吗?如果有错,该怎么改?Mold the naturalwater of skin delicate with moisten.请问这句话有错误吗?如果有错该怎么改啊? 请问一个英语短句.as there should be a limited amout of disposable income consumers are ableto spend,people try to allocate their budgets.请问这个句子有错误吗?错误怎么改? 英语纠错-请问这句话有错误吗?1Researchers go to the locations the bee eaters like to use for feeding 英语-请问这句话有错误吗?Please fasten your seat belt before the plane untill the safety light turned off.