求大神解释本句的语法结构和翻译, 句子的主干是啥?The hope is that will succeed in uncovering the full extent of illicit holdings and corruption.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/04 16:13:29
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求大神解释本句的语法结构和翻译, 句子的主干是啥?The hope is that will succeed in uncovering the full extent of illicit holdings and corruption. 帮翻译下句子,解释下句子的结构和语法谢谢 The food here doesn't seem to agree with me.请翻译此句,并解释此句的句法结构,我看不明白这个句子的语法结构.如有词组请标注出来,句中的doesn't seem to 还是不明白在句中的意思和语法结构,这句话如 my classes are in buildings far from each other.翻译并解释此句的语法结构 求翻译《燕昭王求士》里的一句话“敢问以国报仇者奈何”这句话的句子结构和解释. 求英语大神帮我翻译一下,同时分析一下这段英语的结构和语法如果有可以讲的语法就讲下吧~~没就算了,主要帮我翻一下后面那句~~~ The reason is thatupward mobility requires sociologists describe as the twin 求解释非真实条件句和真实条件句的详细语法. 请问翻译指导团这句话怎么翻译啊?希望能得到您的详细句子结构和语法解释,永远支持您们!we are getting glimpses of how huge the questions are, and how far from being answered. glimpses of 什么意思 在句中什么 买哪本语法书好?主要是定语从句和宾语从句,句子的基本结构弄的不是太清楚,买哪本好呢?求推荐,最好是全面一点的,初高中都有的 急求动词结构语法.例:make sb.doing.不是要整本语法的哦!. 求大神帮我分析解释下以下八个句子所包含的语法,指出结构和类型.1.Finding “The One” is the most important task in her life.2.She is doing everything she can to rise from a recent devastating breakup and to be in good shap 求句浪漫的英语句子、带翻译的、谢谢拜托各位大神 求大神翻译这句大写+没空格的英文句子.LOCKWOELALHDONORSTUTUMONOPOLYKLAXONLOVEYOU 英词句型不理解the women who theaches art is talking to the boy谁能解释下这句句子的语法结构和句子意思 新概念英语二册lesson21 i am determined to stay here 这句子怎么怪怪的,求大神分析下语法结构. 'A man can never have too many ties.' 'And a woman can't have too many hats,翻译并解释此句的语法结构. The assistant who served her did not like the way she was dressed.请翻译并解释此句的语法结构. 求赤壁之战(司马光)的重点字、词、句的解释例如句式特点,句子翻译,和一些字词的解释,要全!拜托了,紧急!