英语汉意They told him don't you ever come around here

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 00:51:24
英语汉意They told him don't you ever come around here The merchants told him they hadn't meant to do wrong.请问 meant He knew e___ what they had done and what they would do.Who had told him everything? 英语达人进,主动语态改被动语态.His mother told him not to waste time on fishing2.father gave me a toy ai Christmas3.They should do yt at once4.They named the child tom5.This factory produces machine toolsHis mother told him not to waste 初二英语阅读题Once a man traveled through a country.The citizens (公民)told him that nobody was allowed to stand except the king.The man was very surprised at that,and he asked why they had to do so.They told him because the king of the coun 将英语的主动语态改为被动语态.1.He told me wait here for him.______________________________.2.They don't make this kind of watches in Beijing.______________________________.3.Tea grows in China.______________________________.4.Must I do They knew everything only after you told him.(同义句) They knew___ ___ you told him.They knew everything only after you told him.(同义句)They knew___ ___ you told him. we never told him he couldn't do it翻译 he have to do (that/what)his mother told him Who do that,told me i help u cut him.. 把下列主动句改为被动语态(英语)急!1 his mother told him not to waste time on fishing.2 father gave me a toy at christmas.3 she is going to made a new film next year.4 they should do it at once.5 his mother made hin to do the housewo they help him()(do)the housework what do they think of him? Do you agree with_?(I,him,they) She told him all about herself while they drove along while they drove along They said to him,We will tell you sth. They told him that they would tell him sth.这样变不对吗? 分析此英语长句的结构并翻译Do not know why he is so disgusted with the other people I told him that taxing 英语选择:()him we’re leaving. 1.Told 2.Told 3.Tells 4.Tell