do get go take stay look give watch study teach的第三人称单数,过去式,现在分词形式

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/16 13:08:24
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do get go take stay look give watch study teach的第三人称单数,过去式,现在分词形式 do get go take stay look give watch study teach的第三人称单数,过去式,现在分词形式的过去式 see,go,do,take,get,buy,sing,have,改成过去式 Many children get heavy because they do not take(activities you take to stay health) oftenMany children get heavy because they do not take (activities you take to stay health) often go,take,stay,do,eat变动词是什么?(在末尾家s或es) how long does it___ to go from beijing to tianjing by traiin?A stay B take C get D have go和stay还有take的过去式 用这些英语词组写一段话或一篇文章.have a great time take the bus stay at home want sth bring sth to..take sth away take part in talk about travel all over the world make money go to college get an education make a living all o do make have keep get go take give work 的短语 意思 和例句RT RT like become stop go stay eat have say put take do buy的过去式和过去分词 ere-() go-() do-() take-()stay-()is-() visit -() swim-() play-() make-() 这些词的过去式? 英语翻译(1)Show me your tongue,Kate.(2)You do have a bad cold.(3)You have to stay in bed and take some medicine.(4)Remember to dirnk more water.(5)Can you go to school tomorrow?(6)No.Youhave to take a good rest.(7)I hope you will get well soon. 1.when a fire happens ,what should you do?you must( get out puickly ).don't try to (take awaythings )(go out through a window) if you are on the ground floor.if you can't (get out of )the burning building ,just stay with others in one room .close the watch wash clean play visit cok return learn climb miss stay match study fly see singdo go swim buy take leave get have写出他们的过去式 写出下列单词的第三人称单数形式 现在分词 过去式 过去分词do take go begin buy get say have eat become put read stay freeze swim rain cost spendshop keep fry leave mean plan知道几个写几个,不许不写! 英语单词,转换为过去式的转换以下几个:sing do eat take swim buy see get leave go 写出下列动词的一般现在时第三人称单数形式:get look make say do go wash watch have run take buy