分析句子成分"I can come today"she said,"but not tomorrow".

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 09:40:48
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分析句子成分I can come todayshe said,but not tomorrow. 请分析句子成分:I would like to come for the football game. I can do it.分析下句子成分, I will go to school分析句子成分 you come back to me 分析下句子成分 初二英语试题,求分析!--I hope you ______ my party next weekend .--OK ,I ______ .A .to come to ; willB .come to ; canC .can come to ; amD .can come to ; amD项更改为 can come to ; will 谁能帮忙分析下这句话得句子成分There is a sympathetic element about the man which I can see must have come from his family. i want to give this book to you 句子成分分析 I wish you to go to school 的句子成分分析 The new student whom I want to introduce to you has come.哪位高手愿意帮我从句子成分和语法方面分析一下这个句子?谢谢啦! 如何分析I talk to you的句子成分如上题,特别是to you的句子成分 That is what I want to tell you.句子成分分析 I stayed at home to read and relax.句子成分分析 i have had to tell the truth分析下句子成分, 分析英语句子成分.i am sure(that)no harm will ever come to you.为什么这句是宾语从句而不是表语从句呢 where do you come from句子成分分析, 英语翻译译成:what can I do to satisfy you?如果可以的话,请分析一下句子成分.译成:what can I do is to satisfy you?如果可以的话,what can I do在这里是主语从句吗? there is little i can do to help him.请问to 启一个什么作用,这是什么语法现象,然后这个句子成分怎么分析,属于什么句