用以下词组造句1.begin/3o'clock2.bought/19803.shop/from……till4.children/school/morning5.finish/two years'time6.go for a walk/evening7.went to church/Sunday

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 05:38:36
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用以下词组造句1.begin/3 o'clock2.bought/19803.shop/from.till4.children/school/morning5.finish/two years' time6.go for a walk/evening7.went to church/Sunday 用以下词组造句1.begin/3o'clock2.bought/19803.shop/from……till4.children/school/morning5.finish/two years'time6.go for a walk/evening7.went to church/Sunday 用以下句子造句 1.人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青. 用以下词组造句:help...with...provide...with stop doing put...into 请用以下短语造句! 用以下成语造句1、严阵以待-----2、始料不及-----3、杯水车薪----- 用以下词造句大概的造句 Will,my parents,with me,live.用以上词组造句! 用以下关联词造句 一.就. 用turn out等造句用以下词组造句:turn out go bydream ofwork ongo on doing sth请附上句子的中文解释 英语的 造句 现在进行时的 用以下词组造..1.Show sb around2.have a soccer game 3.have lessons 4.read english newspaper 5.write a letter 6.clean the blackboard 请分别用以下词组造句 1.be destined to do 2.be in the interest of 3.breathe a sigh of relief 4.common ground 5.cry out( to be done) 请分别用以下词组造句1.be destined to do2.be in the interest of 3.breathe a sigh of relief4.common ground5.cry out( to be done) 用以下词组段、取缔、镶嵌、攥、滞笨、 请分别用以下词组造句1)a cause for2)a choice of3) difference in4) invite sb.in 5) on a trip to 6) on the fringe of 分别用以下单词或词组造句(简单点!)谢谢more thangestureappearancegive sb a good impressiongo to her for assistancewithout hesitationremarkremind 用以下词语造句 1.平静 2.果然 3.无微不至 4.不是……而是 用以下单词短语造句1.not many2.not…until3.a few4.a little5.enough