新概念英语2的几道时态填空题,最好有注解1、We ___ football when it began to rain.We had to stop and go home.(paly)2、Xiao Lin___from here for about two hours.(be away)3、Where's____?Can you find your birth palce on the map?Sorry,I

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 03:43:03
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新概念英语2的几道时态填空题,最好有注解1、We ___ football when it began to rain.We had to stop and go home.(paly)2、Xiao Lin___from here for about two hours.(be away)3、Where's____?Can you find your birth palce on the map?Sorry,I 新概念英语2的时态填空题,最好有简单的注解.1、He went to school instead of_____ home.(go)2、In the old days it was difficult for the poor to ____a job.(find)3、It's cold outside,so you 'd better _____your coat.(put on)4、He is hu 请问哪位高人新概念英语第二册的练习答案啊?包括填空,十万火急能够有填空题最好, 新概念英语2填空题和选择题的答案谁有新概念英语第二册的填空题和选择题的答案,一定要正确.急-----------谁还有新概念英语2的所有 听力 和 课堂笔记 最好还有新东方的新概念英语2的课件 新概念英语第二册练lesson2练习题A练习A动词时态填空答案谁有? 新概念英语练习填空题答案谁有?谁有新概念英语第三册的课后习题答案?最好有填空的从第一课到最后一课。 新概念英语第一册的英语时态(所有)最好详细一些 新概念英语2的所有填空题答案 十道各种时态的动词填空题.(英语) 商山早行的翻译,最好有注解 英语时态填空!有分! 新概念英语2的时态填空题,谁帮个忙啊求正确的,最好每题都有一些简单的原因.1、He ____back a month ago.(come)2、My mother often tells me ______ in bed.(not read)3、I must take it back the day after tomorrow.You can only 几道新概念英语的题目, 帮我找一些经典的中学英语的时态填空题最好有解析 谁有长颈鹿或者鲸鱼的英语简介?最好有中文注解 新概念英语有几本 新概念英语第二册第17页下面的练习题的答案.我需要新概念第二册17页下面练习题---(用正确的动词时态填空)的答案,有解析更好, 新概念第二册16课的时态填空答案