英语翻译_ _ _ _ my opinions in _ _ 怎么填?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 14:22:54
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英语翻译Internet is educational .Many people think children should be allowed to surf the Internet as they wish .In this way ,they can look through different subjects on different kinds of websites according to their own interest .But in my opini 英语翻译Chengdu is______ ______ ______ ______from my home     ____ ____from my home 英语翻译_ _ _ _ my opinions in _ _ 怎么填? 英语翻译On Sunday my sister and I__ ___ _at home. 英语翻译si toda la humanidad menos uno tuviera una opinión y una sola persona tuviera la opinión contraria,la humanidad no tendría justificación para silenciar a esa persona,del mismo modo que esa persona,si tuviera el poder,no tendría la ju 英语翻译Nanjing is __ __ __ __ I can't find my way to the park. __is my mother? My.friend's _ Dale. my mother is ateacher.my father is ateacher,too合并成一句My mother is a teacher,_ _ my father. 英语翻译She got really _____ _____me and said she ______ ___ to be my ___friend______ 英语翻译格式:”_ _” 英语翻译my place my 这样的句子结构对吗?in my opinion,句子,that is,句子就是一个句子没连接词或从句只能有一个实义动词.that is是连接词吗问2 我们还应该 是we also should 还是we should also?还有All this comes down to one opini 哪位高人给看看这篇托福作文能得几分(1~5),谢谢了!It’s better to make wrong decision than make no decision at all. Do you agree or disagree with the statement. Give reasons or specific examples to illustrate your answer.In my opini _my sister's(填介词 ) my uncle can_(play)football While l __(do)my homework,my brother __(practise)playing the violin. 英语翻译Gai jugará también fuera de casa El cuerpo técnico del Barça B valora muy positivamente la evolución del joven delantero israelí Gai.Vilanova ha dado su opinión sobre este jugador:“Nos está ofreciendo mucho en casa.Hasta a