英语翻译Regulated competition in social health insurance:A three-country comparisoncontributions.Conversely,the favourable risks (low-risk patients) will be members of sickness funds with low contributions.This situation is not compatible with th

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 07:18:18
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regulated 英语翻译Regulated under the Industrial and provident Societies Act 1893-1978 regulated-power-supply是什么意思 英语翻译childcare provisionoutsourcing regulated market 直译汉语意思我大概明白~主要是用句子解释下商务意义. 英语翻译It works with both regulated and unregulated externaldc supplies.If a non-regulated supply is chosen,the supply unit should have enough capacitance to hold upthe supply voltage to the minimum required input voltage at maximum load 英语翻译valve-regulated sealed lead-acid这个意思是阀控密封式铅酸蓄电池如果是“阀控密封铅酸蓄电池使用说明书”应该怎么翻译? 英语翻译CELLULAR PROCESSES Atp Synthase Electron Transport Chain Protein Trafficking Protein Modification Protein Recycling Insulin Signaling Constitutive Secretion Regulated Secretion Mitochondrial Protein Transport Photosynthesis (Light) Photos 英语翻译“when the family is regulated,the state will be order; and when the state is in order,there will be peace throughout the world. non-regulated materials如何翻译呢? valve regulated lead-acid battery是什么意思 英语翻译P11743.Bientot on ne pourra plus laisser sa voiture ____.A.n’importe ou B.en dehors C.partout D.quelque part44.Il faut confier ce travail a ___.A.personne de competent B.personne competenteC.quelqu’un competent D.quelqu’un de compet 英语翻译Give students the skills and confidence you need to promote,price and distribute a good,service or idea according to a well-designed plan.This will help an organization go beyond increasing the bottom line to develop and maintain a compet 英语翻译Deconstruction mammalian reproduction :using knockouts to define fertility pathwaysReproduction is the sine qua non for the propagation of species and continuation of life.It is a complex biological process that is regulated by multiple f 化工专业英语翻译2determined with a Redlich-Kwong-Soave equation of state with Boston-Mathias modification, through the Aspen Proper- ties code. The pressure inside the reactor is controlled and regulated with a back pressure control 英语翻译Regulated competition in social health insurance:A three-country comparisoncontributions.Conversely,the favourable risks (low-risk patients) will be members of sickness funds with low contributions.This situation is not compatible with th 英语翻译ReviewEnzymatic protein hydrolysis plays a major role in various physiological processes,including digestion,and is regulated by proteinase inhibitors.Inhibitors in foods and food ingredients can reduce the absorption of free amino acids, 英语翻译valve regulated rechargeable batteryconstant voltage chargecycle use:14.5-14.9Vstandby use:13.5-13.8Vinitial currrent:lsss than 1.5AicautionDon not short the battery terminalsdo not charge in sealed containerRecharge apter useSealed lead 英语翻译detailed descriptionoperating principleThe TPS6031X charge pumps are voltage quadruplers that provide a regulated 3.3-V or 3-V output from a 0.9-Vto 1.8-V input.They deliver a maximum load current of 20 mA.Designed specifically for space